Alergie ciudata
Buna ziua!Fetitei mele de 3 ani si jumatate i-a aparut o alergie ciudata, care arata ca si urzicaturile, sau ca si piscaturile de tantar.Partea cea mai ciudata este ca apar si dispar in cateva minute.Apar cand plange, la frig, dar dispar la fel de repede, iar pielea ramane curata, fara absolut nici o urma.Face tratament cu hemisuccinat si calciu, la analize i-au iesit leucocitele marite.Urmeaza sa mergem la o dr. alergolog sa ii faca teste specifice.
Pana atunci, daca cineva s-a mai confruntat cu asa ceva...mi-ar prinde tare bine informatiile!Va multumesc
Pana atunci, daca cineva s-a mai confruntat cu asa ceva...mi-ar prinde tare bine informatiile!Va multumesc
8 comentarii
Da, asa ceva se intampla destul de des si exista remedii pt. asa ceva, insa nu la alergolog !
Alergologul si dermatologul nu o sa va ajute prea bine...
Ia spuneti, fetita a avut vreo criza de gelozie sau suparare inainte ?
Ce fel de fire este ?
Alergologul si dermatologul nu o sa va ajute prea bine...
Ia spuneti, fetita a avut vreo criza de gelozie sau suparare inainte ?
Ce fel de fire este ?
Pai hemisuccinatul este un medicament bazat pe hidrocortizon, una din cele mai periculoase substante
care se folosesc de industria farmaceutice de decenii intregi si se dau fara cel mai mic discernamant
de medici la mai toate bolile DESI nu aduc nimic altceva decat suprimarea simptomelor pe o bucata
de vreme si in acelasi timp deteriorarea ireversibila a organsimului.
Calciu pe care il dati si el daunator, mai ales pt. copii.
Mai jos o mica parte din efectele adverese ale acestui medicament hemisuccinat care afecteaza aproape ORICE parte a corpului, de la cap pana la calcai, inclusiv pielea.
Side Effects by Body System
Corticosteroid complications are primarily dose and duration of therapy dependent. Adverse effects have occurred less frequently at physiologic or lower pharmacologic dosages.
Adverse effects associated with duration of corticosteroid therapy include those occurring during short-term therapy (up to three weeks) or those occurring during long-term therapy (greater than three weeks).
Short-term effects have included sodium retention-related weight gain and fluid accumulation, hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance, hypokalemia, gastrointestinal upset and ulceration, reversible depression of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, and mood changes including mild euphoria and insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, mania, catatonia, depression, delusions, hallucinations, and violent behavior.
Long-term effects have included hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal activity suppression, Cushingoid appearance, hirsutism or virilism, impotence, menstrual irregularities, peptic ulcer disease, cataracts and increased intraocular pressure/glaucoma, myopathy, osteoporosis, and vertebral compression fractures.
Cardiovascular effects such as hypertension and congestive heart failure due to long-term fluid retention as well as direct vascular effects have occurred during corticosteroid therapy.
Endocrine effects such as decreased glucose tolerance and hyperglycemia resulting in diabetes-like symptoms have occurred. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal activity has been suppressed up to 12 months following long-term corticosteroid administration. Cushingoid appearance commonly has occurred with chronic therapy. Hirsutism or virilism, impotence, and menstrual irregularities may occur.
Corticosteroid therapy may induce glucose intolerance by reducing the utilization of glucose in tissues and increasing hepatic glucose output. Diabetes mellitus requiring diet modifications and hypoglycemic agents has developed in some patients.
Adrenal suppression can persist for up to twelve months after long-term corticosteroid therapy. Giving corticosteroids once a day or once every other day may reduce adrenal suppression. After corticosteroid therapy has been tapered, supplemental corticosteroid therapy during times of physical stress may be required.
Gastrointestinal effects of corticosteroid therapy have included gastrointestinal upset, nausea, vomiting, and peptic ulcer disease. Pancreatitis, ulcerative esophagitis, gastrointestinal perforation and hemorrhage have also been reported.
Gastrointestinal effects most commonly occurring during corticosteroid therapy have included nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, and anorexia. Peptic ulcer disease has been associated with long-term corticosteroid therapy, but is relatively uncommon. Routine prophylactic therapy is not warranted in all individuals. Aluminum/magnesium-containing antacids generally have been used to manage GI complaints without significant drug interactions.
Metabolic adverse effects including hypernatremia (rare), hypokalemia, fluid retention, negative nitrogen balance and increased blood urea nitrogen concentration have occurred during corticosteroid therapy. Glucocorticoids have been reported to decrease the secretion of thyrotropin (TSH).
Musculoskeletal effects of corticosteroid therapy including myopathy, osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures, tendon rupture (particularly the Achilles tendon), and aseptic necrosis of bone have been reported. Aseptic necrosis has been reported most often to affect the femoral head.
Corticosteroid myopathy has presented as weakness and wasting of the proximal limb and girdle muscles and generally has been reversible following cessation of therapy.
Corticosteroids inhibit intestinal absorption and increase urinary excretion of calcium leading to bone resorption and bone loss. Postmenopausal females are at risk of loss of bone density. Sixteen percent of elderly patients treated with corticosteroids for 5 years may experience vertebral compression fractures.
Immunologic effects of corticosteroid therapy have included impairment in cell-mediated immunity and increased susceptibility to bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. Immune response to skin tests may be suppressed.
Hepatic effects such as reversible increases in serum transaminase and alkaline phosphatase concentrations have occurred during corticosteroid therapy.
Hematologic effects have included thrombocytopenia, lymphopenia, and platelet alterations resulting in thrombolic events.
Dermatologic effects occurring during corticosteroid therapy have included increased ease in bruising, ecchymosis, petechiae striae, delayed wound healing, and acne.
Ocular changes with corticosteroid therapy have included increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, and posterior subcapsular cataracts.
Psychiatric effects including psychoses, personality or behavioral changes, and pseudotumor cerebri have occurred/been exacerbated during corticosteroid therapy.
Bronchospasm after intravenous hydrocortisone has been reported in some patients with aspirin-sensitive respiratory disease. A challenge study with oral aspirin followed with 100 mg hydrocortisone (IV) resulted in respiratory reactions to aspirin in 45 of 53 patients. These 45 patients then received a hydrocortisone challenge. No naso-ocular, dermal, or respiratory reactions were noted in 44 of 45 patients administered hydrocortisone. One aspirin-sensitive patient experienced bronchospasm and naso-ocular reactions to hydrocortisone and naso-ocular with minimal bronchospasm with methylprednisolone. Following aspirin desensitization and while on maintenance aspirin therapy, this patient again reacted with similar symptoms to hydrocortisone.
Case reports of hypersensitivity reactions to corticosteroids have been relatively uncommon. Side effects have included bronchospasm, shock, urticaria, and angioedema. Cross-reactivity between aspirin and hydrocortisone in patients with aspirin-sensitive respiratory disease has been suggested as the mechanism in patients with asthma, however data are controversial. Anaphylaxis has been most frequently associated with rapid injection or infusion of a high dose of corticosteroid. Reactions may be mediated by an immune or nonimmune mechanism.
Pseudorheumatism or glucocorticoid-withdrawal syndrome not related to adrenal insufficiency has occurred on withdrawal of corticosteroids. Patients experienced anorexia, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, headache, fever, arthralgias, myalgias, and postural hypotension. Symptoms resolved when corticosteroid therapy was reinstated.
care se folosesc de industria farmaceutice de decenii intregi si se dau fara cel mai mic discernamant
de medici la mai toate bolile DESI nu aduc nimic altceva decat suprimarea simptomelor pe o bucata
de vreme si in acelasi timp deteriorarea ireversibila a organsimului.
Calciu pe care il dati si el daunator, mai ales pt. copii.
Mai jos o mica parte din efectele adverese ale acestui medicament hemisuccinat care afecteaza aproape ORICE parte a corpului, de la cap pana la calcai, inclusiv pielea.
Side Effects by Body System
Corticosteroid complications are primarily dose and duration of therapy dependent. Adverse effects have occurred less frequently at physiologic or lower pharmacologic dosages.
Adverse effects associated with duration of corticosteroid therapy include those occurring during short-term therapy (up to three weeks) or those occurring during long-term therapy (greater than three weeks).
Short-term effects have included sodium retention-related weight gain and fluid accumulation, hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance, hypokalemia, gastrointestinal upset and ulceration, reversible depression of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, and mood changes including mild euphoria and insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, mania, catatonia, depression, delusions, hallucinations, and violent behavior.
Long-term effects have included hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal activity suppression, Cushingoid appearance, hirsutism or virilism, impotence, menstrual irregularities, peptic ulcer disease, cataracts and increased intraocular pressure/glaucoma, myopathy, osteoporosis, and vertebral compression fractures.
Cardiovascular effects such as hypertension and congestive heart failure due to long-term fluid retention as well as direct vascular effects have occurred during corticosteroid therapy.
Endocrine effects such as decreased glucose tolerance and hyperglycemia resulting in diabetes-like symptoms have occurred. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal activity has been suppressed up to 12 months following long-term corticosteroid administration. Cushingoid appearance commonly has occurred with chronic therapy. Hirsutism or virilism, impotence, and menstrual irregularities may occur.
Corticosteroid therapy may induce glucose intolerance by reducing the utilization of glucose in tissues and increasing hepatic glucose output. Diabetes mellitus requiring diet modifications and hypoglycemic agents has developed in some patients.
Adrenal suppression can persist for up to twelve months after long-term corticosteroid therapy. Giving corticosteroids once a day or once every other day may reduce adrenal suppression. After corticosteroid therapy has been tapered, supplemental corticosteroid therapy during times of physical stress may be required.
Gastrointestinal effects of corticosteroid therapy have included gastrointestinal upset, nausea, vomiting, and peptic ulcer disease. Pancreatitis, ulcerative esophagitis, gastrointestinal perforation and hemorrhage have also been reported.
Gastrointestinal effects most commonly occurring during corticosteroid therapy have included nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, and anorexia. Peptic ulcer disease has been associated with long-term corticosteroid therapy, but is relatively uncommon. Routine prophylactic therapy is not warranted in all individuals. Aluminum/magnesium-containing antacids generally have been used to manage GI complaints without significant drug interactions.
Metabolic adverse effects including hypernatremia (rare), hypokalemia, fluid retention, negative nitrogen balance and increased blood urea nitrogen concentration have occurred during corticosteroid therapy. Glucocorticoids have been reported to decrease the secretion of thyrotropin (TSH).
Musculoskeletal effects of corticosteroid therapy including myopathy, osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures, tendon rupture (particularly the Achilles tendon), and aseptic necrosis of bone have been reported. Aseptic necrosis has been reported most often to affect the femoral head.
Corticosteroid myopathy has presented as weakness and wasting of the proximal limb and girdle muscles and generally has been reversible following cessation of therapy.
Corticosteroids inhibit intestinal absorption and increase urinary excretion of calcium leading to bone resorption and bone loss. Postmenopausal females are at risk of loss of bone density. Sixteen percent of elderly patients treated with corticosteroids for 5 years may experience vertebral compression fractures.
Immunologic effects of corticosteroid therapy have included impairment in cell-mediated immunity and increased susceptibility to bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. Immune response to skin tests may be suppressed.
Hepatic effects such as reversible increases in serum transaminase and alkaline phosphatase concentrations have occurred during corticosteroid therapy.
Hematologic effects have included thrombocytopenia, lymphopenia, and platelet alterations resulting in thrombolic events.
Dermatologic effects occurring during corticosteroid therapy have included increased ease in bruising, ecchymosis, petechiae striae, delayed wound healing, and acne.
Ocular changes with corticosteroid therapy have included increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, and posterior subcapsular cataracts.
Psychiatric effects including psychoses, personality or behavioral changes, and pseudotumor cerebri have occurred/been exacerbated during corticosteroid therapy.
Bronchospasm after intravenous hydrocortisone has been reported in some patients with aspirin-sensitive respiratory disease. A challenge study with oral aspirin followed with 100 mg hydrocortisone (IV) resulted in respiratory reactions to aspirin in 45 of 53 patients. These 45 patients then received a hydrocortisone challenge. No naso-ocular, dermal, or respiratory reactions were noted in 44 of 45 patients administered hydrocortisone. One aspirin-sensitive patient experienced bronchospasm and naso-ocular reactions to hydrocortisone and naso-ocular with minimal bronchospasm with methylprednisolone. Following aspirin desensitization and while on maintenance aspirin therapy, this patient again reacted with similar symptoms to hydrocortisone.
Case reports of hypersensitivity reactions to corticosteroids have been relatively uncommon. Side effects have included bronchospasm, shock, urticaria, and angioedema. Cross-reactivity between aspirin and hydrocortisone in patients with aspirin-sensitive respiratory disease has been suggested as the mechanism in patients with asthma, however data are controversial. Anaphylaxis has been most frequently associated with rapid injection or infusion of a high dose of corticosteroid. Reactions may be mediated by an immune or nonimmune mechanism.
Pseudorheumatism or glucocorticoid-withdrawal syndrome not related to adrenal insufficiency has occurred on withdrawal of corticosteroids. Patients experienced anorexia, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, headache, fever, arthralgias, myalgias, and postural hypotension. Symptoms resolved when corticosteroid therapy was reinstated.
Va multumesc pt. promptitudine, Scarface!Fetita mea e putin cam alintata si incearca prin mijloacele specifice copiilor sa obtina ce isi doreste.Se mai si supara, mai e si geloasa, dar n-a mai facut niciodata alergie.In privinta hemisuccinatului, nu mai stiu ce sa cred.Asta i-au dat doctorii la spital.Asta stiam si eu ca se da in caz de alergie.
Acum, dupa 4 ture de hemisuccinat, mai are inca pete, dar mai putine.
Acum, dupa 4 ture de hemisuccinat, mai are inca pete, dar mai putine.
Inteleg. Insa inainte sa ii apara astea a avut vreun motiv sau o ocazie deosebita sa se supere ?
Intrebati-o ! Caci stiu un remediu daca este cumva cazul.
Intrebati-o ! Caci stiu un remediu daca este cumva cazul.
In plus: exista mancarime ? Schimbari in cantitatea/culoarea urinei ?
Nu stiu daca un copil de 3 ani si jumatate se poate supara cu adevarat."Supararile" ei trec in aproximtiv 5 minute si, de obicei, motivul lor este faptul ca nu primeste decat un patratel de ciocolata, desi ea ar vrea o tableta intreaga, sau un motiv asemanator.Probabil ca un copil maltratat poate sa sufere intr-atat incat sa faca alergie pe baza nervoasa, dar la noi nu e cazul, va asigur.
Se scarpina atunci cand petele sunt vizibile, adica daca intra in contact cu apa sau cu aerul rece.Dar nu mai e asa de rau ca in prima zi.Urina e normala.
Se scarpina atunci cand petele sunt vizibile, adica daca intra in contact cu apa sau cu aerul rece.Dar nu mai e asa de rau ca in prima zi.Urina e normala.
Si un copil de 6 luni se supara si se imbolnaveste de la suparare (cand mama il lasa singur de ex.).
Un copil de 3 ani si ceva are si mai multe motive sa fie suparat si la copii aceste suparari nu sunt luate in seama de mame, caci ele nu stiu nimic in general despre legatura intre boli si starile sufletesti ale copiilor. Nici macar medicina nu stie, cu atat mai putin bietele mame.
Eu va spun din experienta ca la copiii care reactioneaza cu o suparare la lucruri marunte apare imediat o boala, cateodata vizibila cateodata nu si in cazul dvaostra reiese acest lucru in mod f. evident chiar numai din putinele lucruri pe care le relatati !
Si anume spuneti ca "Supararile" ei trec in aproximtiv 5 minute" si "Partea cea mai ciudata este ca (petele) apar si dispar in cateva minute."
Vedeti legatura ?
Dupa cum va banuiam, alergia aste este reactia supararii copilului si ii trec a fel de repede ca si supararea, in 5 minute.
Nu mai dati nimic medicamentos la copil ca nici nu-i ajuta dar ii si dauneaza, dezvatati-o de rasfat pana nu e prea tarziu caci dvoastra trageti mai tarziu de pe urma ei, invatati-o cu grija sa nu se mai enerveze si sa reactioneze altefl, si cand se enerveaza dat-ii remediul homeopat Chamomilla CH30, o granula sa suga, care ii calmeaza mania si ca urmare vor dispare si petele de pe piele.
Un copil de 3 ani si ceva are si mai multe motive sa fie suparat si la copii aceste suparari nu sunt luate in seama de mame, caci ele nu stiu nimic in general despre legatura intre boli si starile sufletesti ale copiilor. Nici macar medicina nu stie, cu atat mai putin bietele mame.
Eu va spun din experienta ca la copiii care reactioneaza cu o suparare la lucruri marunte apare imediat o boala, cateodata vizibila cateodata nu si in cazul dvaostra reiese acest lucru in mod f. evident chiar numai din putinele lucruri pe care le relatati !
Si anume spuneti ca "Supararile" ei trec in aproximtiv 5 minute" si "Partea cea mai ciudata este ca (petele) apar si dispar in cateva minute."
Vedeti legatura ?
Dupa cum va banuiam, alergia aste este reactia supararii copilului si ii trec a fel de repede ca si supararea, in 5 minute.
Nu mai dati nimic medicamentos la copil ca nici nu-i ajuta dar ii si dauneaza, dezvatati-o de rasfat pana nu e prea tarziu caci dvoastra trageti mai tarziu de pe urma ei, invatati-o cu grija sa nu se mai enerveze si sa reactioneze altefl, si cand se enerveaza dat-ii remediul homeopat Chamomilla CH30, o granula sa suga, care ii calmeaza mania si ca urmare vor dispare si petele de pe piele.
Multumesc, Scarface!Nu ma indoiesc de spusele dvs. desi recunosc faptul ca sunt destul de greu digerat.Recunosc, de asemenea, ca nu stiu prea multe legat de partea aceasta a psihologiei copilului.
Alege-ți medicul și fă o programare!
Peste 13000 de cabinete medicale își prezintă serviciile pe ROmedic.
Peste 13000 de cabinete medicale își prezintă serviciile pe ROmedic.
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Mai multe informații despre: Reactia alergica
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