Ochii albastrii imbatranesc prematur?

Este adevarat ca ochii albastri (in general ochii deschisi la culoare) imbatranesc prematur deoarece intra mai multa lumina in ei ?
Daca da, ce inseamna aceasta imbatranire de fapt?
Daca da, ce inseamna aceasta imbatranire de fapt?
4 comentarii

If you have blue, green, or gray eyes, you may have noticed yourself squinting into the sunlight more than your brown-eyed counterparts or needing a respite from the fluorescent lights at work. You may wonder if it"™s all in your head -- or is there truth to the rumor that people with light eyes are more sensitive to sunlight?
According to Duke ophthalmologist Anupama Horne, MD, the answer is yes -- your baby blues are indeed likely contributing to your squinting and discomfort under bright lights.
The Truth About Light Eyes and Light Sensitivity
Horne explains that photophobia -- the term used to describe light sensitivity -- typically affects people with light eyes because they have less pigmentation in multiple layers of the eye than those with darker eyes. Because of this, they are unable to block out the effects of harsh lights like sunlight and fluorescent lights.
Horne is careful to note that photophobia refers to light sensitivity, but does not refer to actual permanent loss of vision.
Photophobia may cause a person to have difficulty seeing or focusing in bright lights, or even cause pain around the eyes. So, squinting or rubbing your eyes often when you are in harsh light may be a clear sign that you have some level of photophobia.
Get Out of the Sun
The good news is that photophobia resulting from light eye color is typically easy to remedy.
Simply avoiding prolonged time spent in harsh lighting or bright lights or wearing UV-blocking sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats when outside should alleviate symptoms associated with light sensitivity.
When to See a Doctor
If you"™ve taken the necessary steps to diminish light sensitivity but still find it hard to see or experience pain, it"™s time to visit an eye care specialist.
Eye care specialists are trained to diagnose and treat any causes of light sensitivity that may be the result of disease, including abnormalities in the structure of the cornea, iris, conditions such as albinism, and other congenital or degenerative diseases of the retina.
According to Duke ophthalmologist Anupama Horne, MD, the answer is yes -- your baby blues are indeed likely contributing to your squinting and discomfort under bright lights.
The Truth About Light Eyes and Light Sensitivity
Horne explains that photophobia -- the term used to describe light sensitivity -- typically affects people with light eyes because they have less pigmentation in multiple layers of the eye than those with darker eyes. Because of this, they are unable to block out the effects of harsh lights like sunlight and fluorescent lights.
Horne is careful to note that photophobia refers to light sensitivity, but does not refer to actual permanent loss of vision.
Photophobia may cause a person to have difficulty seeing or focusing in bright lights, or even cause pain around the eyes. So, squinting or rubbing your eyes often when you are in harsh light may be a clear sign that you have some level of photophobia.
Get Out of the Sun
The good news is that photophobia resulting from light eye color is typically easy to remedy.
Simply avoiding prolonged time spent in harsh lighting or bright lights or wearing UV-blocking sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats when outside should alleviate symptoms associated with light sensitivity.
When to See a Doctor
If you"™ve taken the necessary steps to diminish light sensitivity but still find it hard to see or experience pain, it"™s time to visit an eye care specialist.
Eye care specialists are trained to diagnose and treat any causes of light sensitivity that may be the result of disease, including abnormalities in the structure of the cornea, iris, conditions such as albinism, and other congenital or degenerative diseases of the retina.

Din articolul de mai sus se poate spune ca persoanele cu ochi albastrii sau verzi au o pigmentare mai diminuata pe straturile protectoare ale ochiului. Acest lucru nu ar influenta pierderea vederii, doar concentrarea atenţiei în lumină puternică. Se pot utiliza metode protective, (ochelari de soare) dar dacă apare o durere persistentă este cazul să vizitaţi medicul.

Mai multe detalii despre sensibilitatea la lumina aici. http://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/lightsensitive.htm Nu sunt specializat în oftalmologie dar m-a preocupat subiectul. Sper să primeşti un răspuns şi din parte unui oftalmolog.

Multumesc frumos pentru raspunsuri - acel citat e chiar util. Eu am ochii albastri si pana acum cativa ani ma deranja foarte mult lumina puternica de la soare si lacrimam mult - insa aveam si o blefaro-conjunctivita... si acum ma deranjeaza lumina puternica, insa nu am dureri si e mult mai acceptabil si deranjul.
deci practic in ochii deschisi la culoare intra mai multa lumina care ar putea duce intr-adevar la o imbatranire prematura...care imbatranire ma gandesc ca s-ar manifesta printr-o obosire mai rapida a ochilor.
am intrebat 1 medic oftalmolog pana acum daca ochii albastrii imbatranesc mai repede si zambind a zis ca nu...
deci practic in ochii deschisi la culoare intra mai multa lumina care ar putea duce intr-adevar la o imbatranire prematura...care imbatranire ma gandesc ca s-ar manifesta printr-o obosire mai rapida a ochilor.
am intrebat 1 medic oftalmolog pana acum daca ochii albastrii imbatranesc mai repede si zambind a zis ca nu...

Peste 13000 de cabinete medicale își prezintă serviciile pe ROmedic.
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Mai multe informații despre: Ochiul Imbatrinirea
Din Biblioteca medicală vă mai recomandăm:
- Astigmatismul
- Sindromul ochi uscat - Kratoconjunctivita sicca
- Dezlipirea de retina
- Lagoftalmia paralitica
- Conjunctivita bacteriana simpla
- Tumorile pleoapelor
- Strabismul la copii
- Retinopatia diabetica
- Ambliopia (ochiul leneș)
- Exoftalmia
- Cristalinul
- Transplant de cornee
- Conjunctiva
- Pleoapele si reflexul de clipire
- Febra faringoconjunctivala
- Oboseala oculară (astenopia acomodativă)
- Heterocromia (ochii de culori diferite)
- Ochiul (analizatorul vizual)
- Imbatrinirea
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