Psychotherapy în Bucuresti
Our specialists offer solutions to a wide range of disorders: anxious, psychosomatic, sleep, sexual dynamics, obsessive-phobic, language, depressive syndrome, asthenia,
addictions (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, etc.. .), autism, different types of emotional conflicts, etc...
The emotional conflict is not directly triggered by the event but by the psychological impact felt by the person. The stronger the inner life is, the more the emotional
conflict and its effects appear, and the intensity of its effects is reflected by the location on the various organs.
It is known that there is a direct connection between organs and emotional conflicts.
Diseases in:
- colon - conflict that you cannot overcome
- rect - fear of being useless
- small intestine - hate cannot be digested
- stomach - you swallowed too much against your will
- esophagus - the desire to refuse to "swallow"
- liver - unconscious fear of being "without food" (money) or you feel your life is in danger
- gall bladder - strong stress, indecisiveness, indecision
- pancreas - conflict with family members
- adrenal glands - you are heading in a direction you refuse to go
- kidneys - feelings of panic and anxiety that are exhausting
- spleen - people who split the thread in four and are fearful
- heart - frustration related to children
- lungs - strong fear of other people
- respiratory tract - territorial conflict (unsure about the house)
- larynx - fear and worry for a certain event
- mouth - you can't "chew" (bear a problem or situation)
- thyroid - you feel helpless, out of control
- inner ear - impossibility to find out what you want ("the truth")
- skin - lack of integrity, corruptible man, "without a backbone"
- bones - lack of self-esteem, inferiority
- left breast - conflict that endangers the child, the house, the family
- right breast - conflict with partner or rival persons
- uterus - feeling of sexual inferiority
- cervix - deep and persistent frustration
- prostate - conflict or quarrel on the side of sexuality, etc