Psychology în Bucuresti
VIP CONSULT offers specialized psychological services:
clinical psychology
individual (adults, children) and group psychotherapy
work psychology
individual and couple counseling
clinical hypnosis
transport psychology
child psychological assistance
applied psychology in the field of national security
Our clinic also ensures:
- training and support groups for mothers, expectant mothers and parents
- support groups for families in which there are persons with various disabilities and chronic disorders
- training for increasing resistance to stress, resolving conflicts and optimizing human performance in special working conditions
- personal development and professional skills
- creative potential development program for adults and children
- psychological consultancy for companies
- issuance of psychological certificates for various jobs and for carrying weapons
- assessments and personality profiles, etc.
The programs developed by our specialists address both individuals and companies and their employees.
We are open and flexible, the rates and methods of psychological intervention being established in agreement with the client.
In the hope that our experience and professionalism will constitute serious arguments in order to select any of our services, we would be honored
to come with us for a healthier life!