Biological medicine does not concern the treatment of diseases, but of the sick, in their particular reactions, according to their various constitutional types.
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Patient Info

Izopatia- o Terapie Speciala Isopathy - a Special Kind of Therapy

  The concept of Isopathy is de-rived from the Greek words "iso", meaning equal, and "pathos", meaning morbus or sickness.   Isopathy is a variant form of Homœopathy . This means that, as a treatment method, it has a very...

How to choose your doctor when you have a serious illness?

We live in very difficult times and many people find themselves losing their way. When the disease appears, how do you know which path is correct? The directions presented by the authorities are contradictory, so we are all at a...

About cancer and love - with Dr. Viviana Bogdan

Interviu Lumea Misterelor nr.3-2016 World of Mysteries interview no. 3-2016

Dark field microscopy Dark field microscopy has proven to be a very important investigative method because it helps in the early detection of many diseases.Mrs. Dr. Viviana Bogdan, homeopathic doctor, psychotherapist, specialist in dark field Microscopy and Sanum Therapy ,...

What are essential oils?

Plants from which essential oils are obtained have been used for medicinal purposes throughout history. Most modern medicines are plants that have been modified long enough to be patented. 50% of the pharmaceutical drugs produced in the last thirty years...

