Biological medicine does not concern the treatment of diseases, but of the sick, in their particular reactions, according to their various constitutional types.
Versiune în Română
RO ROmedic

Labor Medicine în Bucuresti

VIP Consult offers simple Occupational Medicine solutions for the health of your business, the flexibility of our services being for the comfort of our beneficiaries 
through personalized Occupational Medicine Contracts at unbeatable prices.
Our activity is carried out in accordance with Law no. 319 of July 14, 2006, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 646 of July 26, 2006 as well as
Decision 355/11.04.2007 published in the Official Gazette Part I, no. 322 of 17.05.2007.

Occupational medicine services are provided during a calendar year on the basis of a service contract. The periodic medical examination is mandatory for all workers.

Our price offer for occupational medicine will be customized depending on the number and type of employees and the specific working conditions in your company
for the following exams:
A. Medical examination upon employment - medical investigations related to personnel categories according to HG 1169/2011 and the Methodological Norm for the application
of the provisions of the OSH Law no. 319/2006
B. Periodic medical control - medical investigations related to personnel categories according to HG 1169/2011 and the Methodological Norm for the application
of the provisions of the Law on Safety and Health at Work no. 319/2006.
C. Medical examination when resuming the activity - medical investigations according to the initial professional classification
The occupational medicine activity provides for:
- assessment of professional risks in your company
- supervising the health status of employees
- advising employees and employers on specific health issues at work
At the indication of the occupational medicine doctor, to establish medical incompatibilities with the assessed occupational risks, the medical examination upon employment
for jobs and activities with exposure to personal risk factors includes additional medical examinations to those provided in the occupational medicine examination offer.

The frequency of the periodic medical examination can be changed only at the proposal of the occupational medicine specialist, with the employer's information.
The medical examination upon resuming the activity is carried out after an interruption of the activity of at least 90 days, for medical reasons, or 6 months,
for any other reasons, within 7 days of the resumption of the activity.
Medical services can be performed at our offices or at the beneficiary's premises.
Benefiting from a rich experience, it provides the full range of occupational medicine services for companies, meeting the needs and demands of employers.
These services can be provided, upon request, in the beneficiary's office/offices according to a calendar established by mutual agreement, without disrupting
the current activity of the employees.
