Biological medicine does not concern the treatment of diseases, but of the sick, in their particular reactions, according to their various constitutional types.
Versiune în Română
RO ROmedic

How to choose your doctor when you have a serious illness?

We live in very difficult times and many people find themselves losing their way. When the disease appears,
how do you know which path is correct? The directions presented by the authorities are contradictory, so we are all at a crossroads. Finally, we are told that all roads can be equally correct or incorrect. What we have to do? There are doctors who support a point of view and doctors who are against it. Which ones should we listen to? Who is right? Which doctor should we trust? These questions seem to become rhetorical. However, each of us will have to choose a path, make a decision. As a doctor, I meet every day all kinds of life stories, each unique in its own way. And because I chose to treat people not diseases, the question I ask myself daily is how to help people, regardless of their decisions.
If these decisions are correct or not, it does not concern me, it is not in my power to judge them. The task I have assumed is to help them solve their health problems. In the current context, I have encountered different situations related to
the state of health,especially people who have been treated for cancer and
feel very well, with little or no post-chemotherapy reactions, people who feel bad and people who felt very bad and who are no longer among us. What therapeutic scheme did they use? I don‘t think this is important. Is chemotherapy to blame? It may or may not be. Does it matter? If people die or their condition worsens? YES!!! But people die and their condition worsens daily, for various reasons, not only from cancer.... What to do? People who really want to be treated for cancer must understand that, first of all, cancer is a systemic disease and removing the tumor does not mean a cure, even if the hospital discharge ticket states: "the patient is discharged surgically cured". For more details, contact or Phone only for sms: 0742956817