Homeopathy în Bucuresti
The performance of HOMEOPATHY is based on the Hippocratic principle of healing by similarity, which describes that a small dose of a substance capable of causing a disease,
can cause it to be cured.
Our specialists have obtained very good results in the treatment of serious diseases such as: tumors and tumor recurrences, nodules, cysts - with various locations,
fibroids, liver cirrhosis, chronic and viral hepatitis (B, C, D), dermatological conditions (acne treatment, allergy treatment, vitiligo treatment, psoriasis treatment, etc...), immunological (scleroderma treatment, spondylitis treatment, autoimmune thyroiditis treatment, autoimmune disease treatment, immunological disease treatment, etc...), metabolic (diabetes treatment, etc... ), bone, urinary, genital, abdominal, endocrinological, circulatory (treatment of varicose veins, treatment of hemorrhoids, etc...), neurological (treatment of multiple sclerosis, treatment of borreliosis, etc...), autism, practically multiple types of acute and cornices, using the principle of individualization.
Homeopathy treats patients, not diseases! , through attenuated (small) doses of remedies (therapeutic agents) which, in large doses, can cause a toxic-morbid picture
similar or even identical to that of the patient in a healthy person.
Homeopaths follow not only the diagnosis of the disease, but also the diagnosis of the patient's individual syndrome (medicinal diagnosis) and even the diagnosis
of the diathesis that constitutes the substrate of the disease itself.
ISOPATHY is an alternative method of treatment that treats the body by using remedies obtained from the causative agent of the disease itself (Sanum treatment).
SANUM therapy is based on isopathic remedies; it provides an efficient treatment methodology depending on the particular needs of the patients.
The production of these remedies is based on the research of Enderlein, a German bacteriologist, who, starting from his research on pleomorphism, developed isopathic
therapy - a set of specific biological remedies for all general, non-specific symptoms that belong to the endobiosis complex.
By examining the blood with dark field microscopy, Enderlein noticed that the smallest living forms (which he called endobionts) live in a natural symbiosis with
the host organism, with mutual benefits.
The lower valent forms (primitive phases) of the endobiont (protite, spermite, chondrite, fibrin) are of apathogenic nature, being essential in the development of the
symbiont. They support the body's metabolism and immune system.
Under the influence of external factors, the endobiont can multiply and develop processes that can be considered disturbing for the symbiotic balance, transforming
into a parasitic form (bacterium, virus, fungus) thus becoming a pathogen.
If the body is healthy, it is able to restore its balance.
The cause, not the symptom, is essential for identifying the disease and therapy.
In other words, this treatment cures any viral, bacteriological, mycotic and even oncological disease.
PHYTOAROMOTHERAPY is a branch of complementary medicine that uses medicinal plants in various forms for therapeutic purposes (dried plants in the form of infusions,
decoctions, tinctures, plant powders, plant extracts, gemoderivatives – extracts of saplings, buds and young branches, flowers) .
In addition to all this, the use of essential oils is added in different ways of application, internal or external, through massage, bath or inhalation.
APITHERAPY or therapy with bee products uses beehive products: honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis and bee venom.
These therapeutic methods that use medicinal plants and bee products are recommended for all types of acute and chronic diseases that can respond to this type of therapy,
if you want to avoid chemical drugs.
It originated in the 1950s and 1960s, when Belgian and French doctors discovered the beneficial therapeutic effects of growing plant tissue.
The Belgian doctor Pol Henry was the first to think that the tissue formed by cells that divide very quickly must have a very high healing energy. This type of therapy
was called phytoembryotherapy, later receiving the name gemotherapy.
With the help of gemotherapy we can act in two directions: detoxification and drainage.
Detoxification mainly aims to eliminate exogenous toxins, being most often a generalized approach (it addresses the whole body), while drainage is most often used to
clean endogenous toxins, being a stage targeted at certain organs or systems, used before another therapeutic process (eg liver drainage before a homeopathic treatment).
Essential oils are concentrated extracts of plants that have been used in various ways for many generations. According to the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences, essential oils are produced by mechanical pressing or distillation. It takes a massive amount of plant to produce a concentrated extract.
The VIP CONSULT clinic also offers AromaTouch and Symphony of the Cells sessions.
Aroma Touch is a clinical approach to the application of essential oils that experiences their power and beneficial quality, supports the stressed body to
activate the parasympathetic nervous system, to reduce corticoid hormones, to relax completely, being able to be added to the treatment of burn-out syndrome and depression.
Symphony of the Cells
The method was created by Boyd Truman and involves creating a balance between the physical, emotional and spiritual body. Each practical protocol of the
Symphony of the Cells method will help you understand the natural progression of the origin of disease, the body's systems and how they relate, as well as
the effect of essential oils and other natural nutrients and ways to help you guide you on your wellness journey.
"Illness is a kind of consolidation of a mental attitude; it is necessary to treat only the patient's condition and the illness will disappear." (Heal Thyself Edward Bach)
These floral remedies are of real use during periods of crisis or transition (divorce, death of a loved one, change of job or residence, adolescence, pregnancy,
menopause, retirement, accident or chronic illness, etc.), in the process of personal development and optimization, as a complementary treatment for emotional support
in chronic diseases, favoring recovery and improving the quality of life. From all the plants he studied, Bach wanted to create "a simple treatment method, easy to use,
as accessible as possible, within everyone's reach, completely painless
and gentle, without unpleasant reactions or healing crises" - what he succeeded, his remedies having no contraindications or prohibitions of administration in parallel
with other treatments.