tratamentul meu pt candida il poate folosi si prietenul meu?
am fost diagnosticata cu, candida urmez tratamentul, cu nizoral 200 mg as vrea sa stiu daca este antibiotic, si crema clotrimazol mk crema as vrea sa stiu daca il poate folosi si prietenul meu
4 comentarii
Este o iluzie sa crezi ca cineva poate scapa de candida cu astfel de medicamente nocive dupa care sangele este si mai stricat ca inainte, care este de fapt mediul in care se dezvolta candida.
Numai o schimbare radicala a modului de alimentatie poate face acest lucru si remedii naturiste sau homeopate.
Fa tratamentul prescris si dupa aceea inca o analiza si spune-ne si noua daca a ajutat !
Eu nu stiu absolut pe nimeni caruia sa-i fi ajutat astfel de tratamente caci este un lucru absolut imposibil.
Cauta aici pe site sa vezi daca cineva a putut scapa de candida numai cu astfel de medicamente...
Numai o schimbare radicala a modului de alimentatie poate face acest lucru si remedii naturiste sau homeopate.
Fa tratamentul prescris si dupa aceea inca o analiza si spune-ne si noua daca a ajutat !
Eu nu stiu absolut pe nimeni caruia sa-i fi ajutat astfel de tratamente caci este un lucru absolut imposibil.
Cauta aici pe site sa vezi daca cineva a putut scapa de candida numai cu astfel de medicamente...
20-07-2009, ora 16:20
Terapeut Holistic Niculae NicuÅŸor (Mr. Nick)
Medicina naturista, complementara, alternativa
![Terapeut Holistic Niculae NicuÅŸor (Mr. Nick)](/arata_img.php?img=cont_25588.jpg&w=100&h=150&cale=/uploadpoze/forum)
Ketonazolul, substanta activa din Nizoral este un antifungic dupa parerea mea depasit, plus ca are o multime de efecte adverse printre care si hepatotoxicitatea, ca de altfel mai toate antifungicele.
Pt. a elimina din sistem candida trebuie sa luati amandoi un tratament bun, cum ar fi IMUNOSTIMULATOR BACTERIAN CU CANDIDINA IBC-10
Totusi, dvs. faceti cum v-a spus medicul care v-a consultat!
Pt. a elimina din sistem candida trebuie sa luati amandoi un tratament bun, cum ar fi IMUNOSTIMULATOR BACTERIAN CU CANDIDINA IBC-10
Totusi, dvs. faceti cum v-a spus medicul care v-a consultat!
20-07-2009, ora 16:21
Terapeut Holistic Niculae NicuÅŸor (Mr. Nick)
Medicina naturista, complementara, alternativa
![Terapeut Holistic Niculae NicuÅŸor (Mr. Nick)](/arata_img.php?img=cont_25588.jpg&w=100&h=150&cale=/uploadpoze/forum)
Scz, am vrut sa spun Ketoconazolul... ;))
Uite ce scrie pe hartia insotitoare de la NIZORAL, daca nu ai desfacut inca cutia sa te uiti
Trducere de mai jos din engleza:
1. intoxifica ficatul (tin sa subliniez ca ficatul este cel mai important ogan din corp pt. sange, deci si pt. candida)
2. decese, dar rare
3. cine ia acest medicament impreuna cu alte medicamente trebuie sa fie monitorizat cu atentie
4. creetza disfunctie hepatica (tin sa subliniez ca ficatul este cel mai important ogan din corp pt. sange deci si pt. candida)
5. creeaza atacuri alergice acute
6. creeaza mancarime
Nu numai ca ai putea si sa mori sau sa faci atac alergic de la acest medicament, asa cum scrie pe el, dar cu mare siguranta iti vei distruge ficatul care va face ca alti patogeni si mai rai sa apara in sange dupa ce ai decimat fara succes ceva din gasca de candida impreuna cu ficatul.
Succes la treaba !
"Hepatotoxicity, primarily of the hepatocellular type, has been associated with the use of NIZORAL® (ketoconazole) Tablets, including rare fatalities. The reported incidence of hepatotoxicity has been about 1:10, 000 exposed patients, but this probably represents some degree of under-reporting, as is the case for most reported adverse reactions to drugs. The median duration of NIZORAL® Tablet therapy in patients who developed symptomatic hepatotoxicity was about 28 days, although the range extended to as low as 3 days. The hepatic injury has usually, but not always, been reversible upon discontinuation of NIZORAL® Tablet treatment. Several cases of hepatitis have been reported in children.
Prompt recognition of liver injury is essential. Liver function tests (such as SGGT, alkaline phosphatase, SGPT, SGOT and bilirubin) should be measured before starting treatment and at frequent intervals during treatment. Patients receiving NIZORAL® Tablets concurrently with other potentially hepatotoxic drugs should be carefully monitored, particularly those patients requiring prolonged therapy or those who have had a history of liver disease.
Most of the reported cases of hepatic toxicity have to date been in patients treated for onychomycosis. Of 180 patients worldwide developing idiosyncratic liver dysfunction during NIZORAL® Tablet therapy, 61.3% had onychomycosis and 16.8% had chronic recalcitrant dermatophytoses.
Transient minor elevations in liver enzymes have occurred during treatment with NIZORAL® Tablets. The drug should be discontinued if these persist, if the abnormalities worsen, or if the abnormalities become accompanied by symptoms of possible liver injury.
In rare cases anaphylaxis has been reported after the first dose. Several cases of hypersensitivity reactions including urticaria have also been reported.
Coadministration of ketoconazole tablets and terfenadine has led to elevated plasma concentrations of terfenadine which may prolong QT intervals, sometimes resulting in life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias. Cases of torsades de pointes and other serious ventricular dysrhythmias, in rare cases leading to fatality, have been reported among patients taking terfenadine concurrently with ketoconazole tablets. Coadministration of ketoconazole tablets and terfenadine is contraindicated.
Trducere de mai jos din engleza:
1. intoxifica ficatul (tin sa subliniez ca ficatul este cel mai important ogan din corp pt. sange, deci si pt. candida)
2. decese, dar rare
3. cine ia acest medicament impreuna cu alte medicamente trebuie sa fie monitorizat cu atentie
4. creetza disfunctie hepatica (tin sa subliniez ca ficatul este cel mai important ogan din corp pt. sange deci si pt. candida)
5. creeaza atacuri alergice acute
6. creeaza mancarime
Nu numai ca ai putea si sa mori sau sa faci atac alergic de la acest medicament, asa cum scrie pe el, dar cu mare siguranta iti vei distruge ficatul care va face ca alti patogeni si mai rai sa apara in sange dupa ce ai decimat fara succes ceva din gasca de candida impreuna cu ficatul.
Succes la treaba !
"Hepatotoxicity, primarily of the hepatocellular type, has been associated with the use of NIZORAL® (ketoconazole) Tablets, including rare fatalities. The reported incidence of hepatotoxicity has been about 1:10, 000 exposed patients, but this probably represents some degree of under-reporting, as is the case for most reported adverse reactions to drugs. The median duration of NIZORAL® Tablet therapy in patients who developed symptomatic hepatotoxicity was about 28 days, although the range extended to as low as 3 days. The hepatic injury has usually, but not always, been reversible upon discontinuation of NIZORAL® Tablet treatment. Several cases of hepatitis have been reported in children.
Prompt recognition of liver injury is essential. Liver function tests (such as SGGT, alkaline phosphatase, SGPT, SGOT and bilirubin) should be measured before starting treatment and at frequent intervals during treatment. Patients receiving NIZORAL® Tablets concurrently with other potentially hepatotoxic drugs should be carefully monitored, particularly those patients requiring prolonged therapy or those who have had a history of liver disease.
Most of the reported cases of hepatic toxicity have to date been in patients treated for onychomycosis. Of 180 patients worldwide developing idiosyncratic liver dysfunction during NIZORAL® Tablet therapy, 61.3% had onychomycosis and 16.8% had chronic recalcitrant dermatophytoses.
Transient minor elevations in liver enzymes have occurred during treatment with NIZORAL® Tablets. The drug should be discontinued if these persist, if the abnormalities worsen, or if the abnormalities become accompanied by symptoms of possible liver injury.
In rare cases anaphylaxis has been reported after the first dose. Several cases of hypersensitivity reactions including urticaria have also been reported.
Coadministration of ketoconazole tablets and terfenadine has led to elevated plasma concentrations of terfenadine which may prolong QT intervals, sometimes resulting in life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias. Cases of torsades de pointes and other serious ventricular dysrhythmias, in rare cases leading to fatality, have been reported among patients taking terfenadine concurrently with ketoconazole tablets. Coadministration of ketoconazole tablets and terfenadine is contraindicated.
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Peste 13000 de cabinete medicale își prezintă serviciile pe ROmedic.
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