papilomatoza laringiana

prietenul meu a fost operat de papilomatoza laringiana, care citit pe net ca si asta este cauzata de virusul hpv.credeti ca se poate transmite prin saliva, sau contact sexual oral?"
20 comentarii

Este posibila transmiterea, dar exista vaccin anti Papiloma virus, care se recomanda in special femeilor, pentru prevenirea cancerului de col uterin secundar unoei infectii genitale cu papiloma virus. Se numeste Silgard (Gardasil in SUA), se fac trei doze la intervale fixe si imunitatea dureaza pe tot parcursul vietii.

Nu stiu de ce trebuie sa dati niste raspunsuri TOTAL eronate inainte sa va DOCUMENTATI, mai ales pentru un cadru medical sau cel putin dupa cum sustineti dumneavoastra - "Medic specialist Medicina de Familie". In fine, persoana in cauza a postat o intrebare pe acest forum care se vrea medical, in speranta unui raspuns cat mai exact. Faptul ca dumneavoastra afirmati : "Este posibila transmiterea" papilomatozei laringiene prin "saliva, sau contact sexual oral" (dupa cum a fost formulata intrebarea), este o ABERATIE chiar mai mare decat aceea ca dumneavoastra puteti fi doctor. Ganditi-va pentru un moment ca exista oameni diagnosticati cu papilomatoza care au citit acest post si mai mult ca sigur s-au nelinistit mai ales ca raspunsul vine si de la un posibil "Doctor de familie".
In concluzie NU ESTE POSIBILA TRANSMITEREA PAPILOMATOZEI LARINGIENE PRIN SALIVA SAU SEX ORAL !!! Mentionez ca am fost diagnosticat cu papilomatoza laringiana de mic copil, operat si tratat de domnul Prof. Dr. Dorin Sarafoleanu care m-a asigurat in mai multe randuri ca aceasta boala NU ESTE CONTAGIOASA IN VREUN FEL.
Exista si un site dedicat unde se afla mai multa documentatie - " One does not catch RRP from someone else who has it... This suggests that most people couldn't contract RRP even if they tried."
O concluzie finala: multi termina medicina dar putini sunt intr-adevar Doctori. Pacat ca trebuie sa dam de acesti asa zisi "doctori" exact cand avem nevoie mai putina !
In concluzie NU ESTE POSIBILA TRANSMITEREA PAPILOMATOZEI LARINGIENE PRIN SALIVA SAU SEX ORAL !!! Mentionez ca am fost diagnosticat cu papilomatoza laringiana de mic copil, operat si tratat de domnul Prof. Dr. Dorin Sarafoleanu care m-a asigurat in mai multe randuri ca aceasta boala NU ESTE CONTAGIOASA IN VREUN FEL.
Exista si un site dedicat unde se afla mai multa documentatie - " One does not catch RRP from someone else who has it... This suggests that most people couldn't contract RRP even if they tried."
O concluzie finala: multi termina medicina dar putini sunt intr-adevar Doctori. Pacat ca trebuie sa dam de acesti asa zisi "doctori" exact cand avem nevoie mai putina !

multumesc Davids. Ne-ai mai linistit. SIncer. Pentru ca si medicul lui a zis acelasi lucru... nu se poate transmite.

Pentru Mirela 26, 2 articole despre HPV de pe
American Academy of Pediatrics 2004 National Conference & Exhibition | Highlights of 2004 National Conference and Exhibition (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Update on New Vaccines CME/CE
Jorge M. Quinonez, MD
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine
Human papillomaviruses are DNA viruses that have an affinity for infecting squamous or mucosal epithelia.[16] Genital HPV infection is the most common viral sexually transmitted disease in the world, and has been directly linked to the development of cervical carcinoma, a condition that kills over 200, 000 women each year.[17, 18]
Close to 80 types of papillomavirus infect humans, with about 30 types infecting the human anogenital area.[19, 20] The latter are further subdivided into low risk or high risk, based on association with cancer. Low-risk types, such as 6 and 11, are associated with genital warts and laryngeal papillomatosis and usually regress spontaneously. There are several high-risk types, but 16, 18, and 45 are found in 80% of cervical cancers. HPV 16 alone accounts for 50% of the total cases.[17, 19, 20, 21]
Due to the large amount of information gathered from HPV in the past 2 decades, along with the definitive role it plays in the development of cervical uterine carcinoma and the promising results from vaccine studies in animal models, it became paramount to develop a vaccine for humans.[22]
Dr. Edwards discussed a recent clinical trial for HPV16 L1 vaccine conducted in the United States in which 788 women were enrolled and the vaccine showed 100% efficacy in preventing infection. The most common adverse effect in the recipients was pain at the injection site, but that was described as "very tolerable."
She also mentioned that the vaccine is currently in phase 3 trials and that close to 17, 000 subjects have been enrolled thus far. The vaccine is likely to be submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for licensure in 2005. Availability of this vaccine will impact pediatricians, as the primary target population for administration of the vaccine will likely be school-aged children and adolescents.[19]
Human Papilloma Virus Present in Hyperplastic Tonsillar Tissue in Children
By Will Boggs, MD
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Dec 28 - Human papilloma virus (HPV) may be found in hyperplastic tonsillar and adenoid tissues in children, according to a report in the December issue of The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.
"Although HPV infection is considered a sexually transmitted infection, HPV can also be transmitted by non-sexual routes, including casual physical contact and perinatal vertical transmission, " Dr. Demetrios A. Spandidos from University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece told Reuters Health. "Detection of HPV in the buccal cavity of healthy children has raised questions concerning the modes of HPV transmission in childhood."
Dr. Spandidos and colleagues investigated the frequency of HPV infection in tonsils and adenoids of 102 children with adenoid and/or tonsillar hyperplasia.
None of the samples showed histological features of HPV infection, the authors report, and none of the children had any wart lesion in the buccal cavity.
Despite the benign clinical and histological findings, HPV DNA was present in 9.4% of tonsillar specimens and 7.1% of adenoid specimens. Six children had HPV-16, and two had HPV-11.
HPV DNA was more prevalent among preschool children than among school children.
"The reason for the presence of HPV at a higher frequency in younger children is unknown, " the investigators write.
Children who were HPV-positive and children who were HPV-negative did not differ according to sex, origin, or residence (urban versus rural), the researchers note.
"We plan to follow-up the children included in our study, " Dr. Spandidos said. "This will enable us to investigate the impact of the presence of HPV in the buccal cavity of children concerning the development of skin and anogenital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis."
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2006;25:1158-1162.
American Academy of Pediatrics 2004 National Conference & Exhibition | Highlights of 2004 National Conference and Exhibition (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Update on New Vaccines CME/CE
Jorge M. Quinonez, MD
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine
Human papillomaviruses are DNA viruses that have an affinity for infecting squamous or mucosal epithelia.[16] Genital HPV infection is the most common viral sexually transmitted disease in the world, and has been directly linked to the development of cervical carcinoma, a condition that kills over 200, 000 women each year.[17, 18]
Close to 80 types of papillomavirus infect humans, with about 30 types infecting the human anogenital area.[19, 20] The latter are further subdivided into low risk or high risk, based on association with cancer. Low-risk types, such as 6 and 11, are associated with genital warts and laryngeal papillomatosis and usually regress spontaneously. There are several high-risk types, but 16, 18, and 45 are found in 80% of cervical cancers. HPV 16 alone accounts for 50% of the total cases.[17, 19, 20, 21]
Due to the large amount of information gathered from HPV in the past 2 decades, along with the definitive role it plays in the development of cervical uterine carcinoma and the promising results from vaccine studies in animal models, it became paramount to develop a vaccine for humans.[22]
Dr. Edwards discussed a recent clinical trial for HPV16 L1 vaccine conducted in the United States in which 788 women were enrolled and the vaccine showed 100% efficacy in preventing infection. The most common adverse effect in the recipients was pain at the injection site, but that was described as "very tolerable."
She also mentioned that the vaccine is currently in phase 3 trials and that close to 17, 000 subjects have been enrolled thus far. The vaccine is likely to be submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for licensure in 2005. Availability of this vaccine will impact pediatricians, as the primary target population for administration of the vaccine will likely be school-aged children and adolescents.[19]
Human Papilloma Virus Present in Hyperplastic Tonsillar Tissue in Children
By Will Boggs, MD
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Dec 28 - Human papilloma virus (HPV) may be found in hyperplastic tonsillar and adenoid tissues in children, according to a report in the December issue of The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.
"Although HPV infection is considered a sexually transmitted infection, HPV can also be transmitted by non-sexual routes, including casual physical contact and perinatal vertical transmission, " Dr. Demetrios A. Spandidos from University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece told Reuters Health. "Detection of HPV in the buccal cavity of healthy children has raised questions concerning the modes of HPV transmission in childhood."
Dr. Spandidos and colleagues investigated the frequency of HPV infection in tonsils and adenoids of 102 children with adenoid and/or tonsillar hyperplasia.
None of the samples showed histological features of HPV infection, the authors report, and none of the children had any wart lesion in the buccal cavity.
Despite the benign clinical and histological findings, HPV DNA was present in 9.4% of tonsillar specimens and 7.1% of adenoid specimens. Six children had HPV-16, and two had HPV-11.
HPV DNA was more prevalent among preschool children than among school children.
"The reason for the presence of HPV at a higher frequency in younger children is unknown, " the investigators write.
Children who were HPV-positive and children who were HPV-negative did not differ according to sex, origin, or residence (urban versus rural), the researchers note.
"We plan to follow-up the children included in our study, " Dr. Spandidos said. "This will enable us to investigate the impact of the presence of HPV in the buccal cavity of children concerning the development of skin and anogenital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis."
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2006;25:1158-1162.

Ceva date suplimentare...din literatura...
N Eng J Med. 2007;356;1944-1956, 1993-1995.
Oropharyngeal Cancer Linked to Human Papillomavirus
While the evidence for a link between HPV and oropharyngeal cancer has been building over time, this current study "puts together a complete picture, " Dr. Kreimer commented, both by showing the strength of the association and by suggesting a mode of transmission for the virus. The data from the study suggest that oral HPV infection is sexually acquired and specifically that it may be transmitted during oral sex.
Oral HPV Infection Acquired Sexually:
The current study compared 100 patients with newly diagnosed oropharyngeal cancer with 200 matched case controls. Nearly all of the tumors (90%) were located on the tonsil or the base of the tongue. The researchers collected blood and saliva samples to test for HPV and also collected data on risk factors such as sexual practices, tobacco and alcohol exposure, family history, and poor oral hygiene.
Oral-genital contact was strongly associated with oropharyngeal cancer, suggesting that the main route of transmission for oral infection with HPV was via oral sex. Study participants who reported having more than 6 oral sex partners in their lifetime were 8.6 times more likely to develop the HPV-linked cancer. However, the researchers acknowledge that the study cannot rule out transmission through direct mouth-to-mouth contact or other means, such as via skin contact.
N Eng J Med. 2007;356;1944-1956, 1993-1995.
Oropharyngeal Cancer Linked to Human Papillomavirus
While the evidence for a link between HPV and oropharyngeal cancer has been building over time, this current study "puts together a complete picture, " Dr. Kreimer commented, both by showing the strength of the association and by suggesting a mode of transmission for the virus. The data from the study suggest that oral HPV infection is sexually acquired and specifically that it may be transmitted during oral sex.
Oral HPV Infection Acquired Sexually:
The current study compared 100 patients with newly diagnosed oropharyngeal cancer with 200 matched case controls. Nearly all of the tumors (90%) were located on the tonsil or the base of the tongue. The researchers collected blood and saliva samples to test for HPV and also collected data on risk factors such as sexual practices, tobacco and alcohol exposure, family history, and poor oral hygiene.
Oral-genital contact was strongly associated with oropharyngeal cancer, suggesting that the main route of transmission for oral infection with HPV was via oral sex. Study participants who reported having more than 6 oral sex partners in their lifetime were 8.6 times more likely to develop the HPV-linked cancer. However, the researchers acknowledge that the study cannot rule out transmission through direct mouth-to-mouth contact or other means, such as via skin contact.

Buna ziua se poate de vindecat cu ceva aceste papiloame daca da cu ce si cum ?sunt ceva pastile pentru copii

Doamna Dr. Slanina v-am dat o adresa de internet mai de mult si vad ca tot nu v-ati documentat, si iar ati postat ceva irelevant. Este o mare diferenta intre OROFARINGE si LARINGE sa stiti! Sau cel putin ar fi trebuit sa stiti Dupa cum se stie singura metoda dovedita prin care se poate transmite HPV este prin contact direct. Acum va rog sa-mi spuneti si mie ce sex oral trebuie facut pentru a se intra in contact direct cu laringele??!?!? Cred ca e necesara multa munca. Papilomatoza laringiana se transmite doar LA NASTERE prin lichidul amniotic, de aceea la femeile cu infectie genitala de HPV, se recomanda cezariana. Inca o data va recomand cu caldura sa cititi documetatia de pe acest site site-ul oficial al organizatiei internationale de papilomatoza laringiana, toti medicii din staff-ul organizatiei sunt medici din america, unde sunt inregistrate cele mai multe cazuri de papilomatoza laringiana, si unde s-au facut foarte multe cercetari asupra acestei boli. Cititi cu ATENTIE tot ce scrie AICI !

davids da-mi si mie date despre doctorul la care te-ai tratat ca am si eu un copil diagnosticat cu aceeasi boala si de un an jumatate il tratez si nu sunt multumita de rezultate.Daca poti macar o adresa sa i-au legatura cu doctorul Dorin

Buna ziua.Am fost diagnosticata cu papilomatoza laringiana recididiva la varsta de 2 ani.In Romania am facut 21 de operatii pana la varsta de 17 ani, cand mama reusit sa ma interneze intr-o clinica din Roma.Am avut medic de familie acolo, se poate face;asa ca nu am platit spitalizarea la Spitalul Gemeli din Roma.Acum dupa 6 ani gatul meu s-a vindecat, merg in fiecare vara la vizite chiar daca am ramas putin ragusita pentru ca cei din Romania, imi smulgeau papilonii, dupa 3 operatii cu laser aici au reusit sa imi arda corzile vocale si am ramas muta, dar cu tratament naturist am reusit sa trec si sa vorbesc.Cei din Italia au folosit Cidofovir, doua interventii scurte de 10 minute, int-un spital in care vin oameni din toata lumea si tratati superb fara un ban.Nu va pierdeti speranta, se poate nici mie nu imi vine a crede dupa atata chin cat de simplu era.

Imi poti da pls o adresa de mail ptr ca vreau sa iti scriu legat de papilomatoza laringiana.
Multumesc frumos!
Multumesc frumos!

Am mare nevoie de informatii de la tine legate de clinica de la Roma.Vreau sa merg si eu.Te rog frumos da-mi un numar de telefon.Sunt disperata!!!Multumesc frumos!Pentru babyscumpyka.

Sa va povstesc experienta mea cu aceasta boala (si cu spitalul universitar Gemelli din Italia), dupa care alegeti pe ce cale doriti sa o luati. Am fost diagnosticat de mic cu aceasta boala. Initial ma operam cam la 2 luni prima data la un spital din Bucuresti (nu mai retin numele) dupa care la spitalul de copii Grigore Alexandrescu. Recidiva aparea cam la 2 luni datorita faptului ca ma operau cu metoda "cold steel" adica direct cu bisturiul (sau ce foloseau ei). De aceea am capatat si o raguseala. Cam pe la 3-4 ani (nu mai retin) printr-un unchi de-al meu l-am cunoscut pe domnul dr. profesor Dorin Sarafoleanu care la vremea aceea ('84-'85) era cam singurul din tara care folosea metode cu laser. De aici viata mea a devenit mai frumoasa. Imi recapatasem vocea in totalitate iar dupa cateva interventii cu laser ajunsesem sa ma operez cam o data pe an, dupa care cam de pe la 15 pana pe la 20 de ani am mai avut doar 2 interventii. Pe la 25 de ani aflandu-ma in Italia cineva mi-a recomandat spitalul universitar Gemelli din Roma. Deci de la 20 de ani nu mai avusesem nici o interventie iar la 25 boala a recidivat. M-am internat la Gemelli unde au fost doua interventii la interval de o luna (partea stanga dupa care partea dreapta). Aceste interventii au fost mai mult decat agresive deoarece deja dupa prima imi pierdusem vocea de tot nu mai puteam vorbi decat in soapta. De asemenea au folosit si Cidofovir. Doctorii de acolo mi-au spus ca nu se stie daca imi voi recapata vocea, dar ca sansele de recidiva erau aproape de zero. Atunci m-am gandit ca din tot raul m-am ales macar cu ceva bun, adica am scapat de boala, cu toate ca nu mai puteam sa vorbesc si datorita acestui fapt cu greu am reusit sa-mi pastrez serviciul. La varsta de 27 de ani fiind acasa m-am programat la dl. dr. prof. Dorin Sarafoleanu la un control. Atunci mi-a spus ca exista recidiva si ca e nevoie de alta interventie. Mi-a mai spus ca practic cei din Italia mi-au subtiat corzile vocale cam cu 20% din aceasta cauza acestea nu mai vibrau, de aici si lipsa de voce. Mi-a recomandat sa ma operez la fiul dansului, dl. dr. prof. Codrut Sarafoleanu care la ora actuala este probabil cel mai bun ORL-ist din Romania. Dupa o interventie si dupa cateva sedinte de foniatrie am reusit sa-mi recapat vocea. Acum vorbesc aproape normal (putin ragusit). Am implinit 31 de ani pe 6 iulie 2012 si nu am mai avut nici o interventie chirurgicala din 2008. Pe 12 iulie 2012 am fost la control la dl. prof. Codrut Sarafoleanu si mi-a spus ca totul este in regula. Daca mai doriti detalii va pot ajuta contactati-ma cu un mesaj pe privat pt. nr. de telefon sau email.

Imi puteti da o adresa de mail si un nr de tel va rog frumos pentru a va putea contacta?
Multumesc frumos pentru timpul acordat!
Multa sanatate va doresc!
Multumesc frumos pentru timpul acordat!
Multa sanatate va doresc!

Pt Davids.
Nu stiu cum sa va contactez cu un mesaj pe privat.
Nu stiu cum sa va contactez cu un mesaj pe privat.

Imi puteti da informatii despre tratamente adjuvante/imunostimulante pt papilomatoza laringiana la copil? Multumesc!

Papiloma Virus contactat in urma rel sexuale orale a cauzat cancer la esofag in cazul actorului Michael Douglass

tot ce se discuta aici este un ungi de privire foarte ingust doar..local
problema este la distanta.., tin de tractul digestiv si intoleranta la unele produse
lactoza, gluten, proteina animala., s, a
daca se depisteaza cauza.. se trece pe un regim corect alimentar.
vegetarian..sau fara gluten.. depinde de caz
se exclud toate celelalte tratamente locale ORL
problema este la distanta.., tin de tractul digestiv si intoleranta la unele produse
lactoza, gluten, proteina animala., s, a
daca se depisteaza cauza.. se trece pe un regim corect alimentar.
vegetarian..sau fara gluten.. depinde de caz
se exclud toate celelalte tratamente locale ORL

Cancerul la esofag cauzat de HPV luat in urma sexului oral este cu totul altceva decat papilomatoza, nu vad nici o relevanta. Papilomatoza laringiana nu se poate transmite prin sex oral! Documentati-va inainte sa aruncati cu informatii aiurea culese din internet. Va recomand din nou cu caldura (mai ales ca acum exista si google translate).

Peste 13000 de cabinete medicale își prezintă serviciile pe ROmedic.
Alte subiecte care v-ar putea interesa:
- 9condiloame HPV
- 7Caut un medic - am HPV/candidoza bucala
- 3In legatura cu HPV... pentru cei care se pricep!
- 8Infectie sau Hpv? pls help
- 0Dupa operatia cu radiofrecventa papilom lueta
- 9hpv 31 - informatii
- 2Suspect de HPV? Intrebare?
- 2Diagnostic HPV
- 3hpv si alaptarea
- 2Infectie cu HPV - ajutor
- 2rezultat papanicolau - lsil cu recomandare testare HPV
- 3analiza hpv risc crescut 16
- 1Condiloame HPV
- 8HPV 16, sotia are, eu nu!
- 0Hpv tulpina 52 si sarcina
- 3Papilom pe limba
- 1Detecție si genotipare HPV
- 4Papilom pe trunchi la copil de 7 ani
- 3Vreau sa stiu daca sunt infectat cu HPV?
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Mai multe informații despre: infectia cu hpv papilomul
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