Biological medicine does not concern the treatment of diseases, but of the sick, in their particular reactions, according to their various constitutional types.
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dentist Ena Rizescu

  • Specialty:Stomatologie, Terapii complementare
  • Competencies:HOMEOPATHY
  • Phone:0742956817
  • Location:Bucuresti
  • Zone:Bucuresti
dentist Ena Rizescu
Graduated from "Ovidius" Constanta University, 1994 and "Carol Davila" UMF Bucharest, 2001, with an experience of over 20 years, dentist, specialist in orthodontics Services offered:
GENERAL DENTISTRY - dental and root canal treatments - fixed and mobile prosthetics - minor surgery: extractions, excisions, apical resections - periodontology PEDODONTICS - consultations, prophylaxis and treatments begin with the appearance of the first teeth ORTHODONTICS - restoration of dento-facial harmony with the help of mobile and fixed appliances, for children and adults LASER MD - dental therapy by cleaning caries and sterilizing root canals - periodontology sterilizes periodontal pockets - surgery - incisions, excisions, resections - dentinal hypersensitivity with closing of dentinal canals - treatment of canker sores, herpes, stomatitis HOMEOPATHY - consultations and treatment