Medical office of Family Medicine and Geriatrics oriented towards prevention, maintaining health and obtaining longevity by combining allopathic, phytotherapeutic treatments, Gerovital H3 therapy and adopting a healthy lifestyle
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Gerovital H3 inbetween actuality and tradition

Author: Gabriela Cirstescu

Gerovital H3 inbetween actuality and tradition

Gerovital H3 has a history, being used in Romania (and abroad) since 1957 (the date of its homologation). Of course it was studied intensively back in 1960s-1980s, but since then there where fewer studies and no clinical trials involving Gerovital H3. So basically what we know now is supported by old studies and clinical experience (it is supposed to have been used by more then 50 millions people all over the world).

The most known and studied effects of Gerovital H3 are: antioxidant, mild antidepressant, "antiaging" (antiatherosclerotic, cholesterol lowering), pain reducing and mobility increasing in patient with arthritis, reducing rigidity and hypokinesia in patient with Parkinson syndromes and disease. The main component of Gerovital H3 is Procaine clorhidat.

As for a patient recovering after a stroke Gerovital H3 can be used for one of the benefits written above, but there is no evidence of Gerovital H3 benefits for cognitive decline, speech loss or motor deficiency (maybe just as adjuvant therapy).

As Contraindications I will mention:

  • Allergy to any of the components

  • Severe arterial hypotension

  • Association with some sulfamydes (except for diabetes medicines), anticholinesterases medicines

  • Uncontrolled epilepsy

  • Second and third degree heart block without pacemaker


  • Use with precaution in patient with prolonged QT or being treated with medication known to prolong QT interval

  • In patient with known orthostatic low blood pressure, but even for those with normal or high blood pressure it is necessary to maintain supine position for 15 minutes after administer Gerovital H3 by intramuscular injection

  • Use with caution MAOIs antidepressants or other antidepressants in association with Gerovital H3; Gerovital H3 has a mild, reversible and competitive MAOI effect(with fewer adverse reaction compared with other drugs from the same class).

Adverse reactions:

  • Allergic reaction: hives, itching, swelling of lips, tongue or face, even anaphilactic reaction

  • Rarely hypersensitivity reaction or bronchospasm (asthma like) caused by potassium metabisulphit (one of the components of Gerovital H3)

  • Diziness, weakness, faint, palpitations – ussualy after the administration of injection of Gerovital H3. Theese symptoms are avoided if the recommendation of 15 minute of supine position for 15 minutes after administration of Gerovital H3 injection is followed.

In order to begin the treatment it is mandatory to do a test (administering 1 ml subcutaneous of Gerovital H3 and after 24 hours, if everything is well, 1,5 ml intramuscular).

Preventative treatment of old age phenomena and other indications: 1 intramuscular injection three times a week, over a period of 4 weeks. The treatment should be repeated after an intermission of 1 to 2 months. The association of both oral and injection administration is recommended.

Dr. Gabriela Cirstescu, MD, Geriatrics and Familly physician
