Maintaining health means taking care of the well-being of our body and mind!
My name is Gabriela Cirstescu and I am a family doctor and geriatrician. My medical practice emerged as a necessity to combine these two specialities.
Family Medicine is a medical speciality that follows the patient in all stages of life for a harmonious development, for maintaining health and for early detection of any health problem. A family doctor must know all the health issues and should constantly communicate with his patients so that he/she can make the best recommendations to solve any health problem.
Geriatrics is a speciality dedicated to the elderly and specifically to longevity. People have always dreamed of living as long as possible, but today’s desire is to have a good quality of life in additon to longevity.
The establishment of the first Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology in Romania by Professor Ana Aslan brought to the foreground the prevention of the phenomena associated with aging and the improvement of the quality of life with the passing of the years.
The geriatric doctor focuses on the needs of each person who, with the passage of years, may have special needs and various ailments, but especially on the measures necessary to preserve the quality of life. For the geriatrician, not only chronological age is important, but especially biological age. Biological age can be influenced by multiple factors, on which we can act, in order to optimize it
Both Family Medicine and Geriatrics are specialties with a strong involvement in the social life of the community and of course of each patient. The well-being of any patient requires continuous involvement from both doctors and patients.
The continuous concern for prevention and for finding the least aggressive therapeutic options led me to combine allopathic medicine with phytotherapy, as well as to the use of Gerovital H3 therapy.
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