ROmedic Firme medicale Recrutare personal medical

EU Family Doctors for General Practitioner posts in England

  • Producător:HEKA Recruitment
  • Preț:up to £72,000 / year
EU Family Doctors for General Practitioner posts in England
Together with our British partners, we offer the chance to EU Family Physicians to become General Practitioners in England. The new programme co-ordinated by NHS England will allow doctors to benefit from full support in the registration and relocation process as well as a monthly bursary of 3,000-3,500 pounds net until they enter the Performance List. Until now, the candidates had to do this by themselves and were not paid until they started working as GPs (that is, they did not meet the GMC‘s and Induction and Refresher Scheme‘s conditions).
NHS England will collaborate with the General Medical Council and Health Education England and during 9 to 12 months will assist Doctors with the preparation to get them a place in the NHS Performers List. As soon as they appear on this list, family doctors will be able to work as independent General Practitioners and earn between £ 68,000 and £ 72,000 per year.


They offer a 3-year contract to any Family Physician interested, who has a valid language certificate (IELTS Academic 7.0 or above and no scores below OET level B), which has a recognized medical qualification in the EU and who wants to move to England for at least 3 years.


• Attractive locations throughout England
• Full assistance with GMC Registration and entering the National Medical Performers’ List
• Local induction 
• IELTS/OET support
• Complete end to end service to include all relocation support.
• Formal Induction and Refresher (I&R) Scheme entry
• Pre-Induction phase: £3,000 net / month
• I&R phase: £3,500 net / month
• I&R completed; £68,000 - £72,000 gross / year
Other Financial Support: 
• Costs of second interview in the UK covered.
• £5,000 relocation package
• £1,250 contribution toward indemnity plus support to assist GP with arranging their indemnity cover
• GMC registration covered. 
Since we only work with British clients from the NHS Framework covering all English territory, we can provide jobs in most of England‘s regions. 
You can apply for free even if you do not meet all the conditions at this time. It is important to have an advanced English level and to enroll in the IELTS Academic / OET exam in the coming months.
Vizualizări produs: 858

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