Anunțuri & evenimente
Medici Ginecologi & Neonatologi pentru Craiova
O clinica medicala privata din municipiul Craiova isi doreste sa angajeze Medici cu experienta relevanta in Ginecologie si Neonatologie.Cu o activitate de peste 15 ani, clinica ofera servicii medicale de calitate femeilor gravide si nou-nascutilor. Colectivul de medici este unul experimentat iar dotarile clinicii sunt dintre cele mai moderne.
Se accepta candidaturi din partea Medicilor Specialisti si Primari cu drept de libera practica activ in Romania, dar si medicii rezidenti de an mare sunt invitati sa aplice. Este de doriti ca medicii neonatologi sa aiba experienta in reanimarea nou-nascutilor.
Clinica isi doreste sa angajeze medicii cu program full-time (08:00 – 15:00), ofera cazare iar salariul este in functie de experienta.
Pentru mai multe informatii nu ezitati sa ne contactati.
Cardiolog pentru Ploiesti
HEKA Recruitment cauta pentru unul dintre cele mai mari spitale private din judetul Prahova un Medic Specialist Cardiologie. Se accepta si medici proaspat specialisti daca au acumulat o experienta bogata in timpul rezidentiatului. Salariul este negociabil si depinde de nivelul de experienta al medicului iar, daca este nevoie, angajatorul poate oferi cazare.Descriere:
Cabinet de cardiologie ambulator integrat spitalului.
Sectie cardiologie 10 paturi cu spitalizare continua
Ecograf doppler color, holter ekg, ekg,
C-Arm & masa radiotransparenta.
Va invitam sa aplicati la pentru aceasta oportunitate profesionala sau sa le spuneti colegilor dvs. despre ea.
Family Doctors for GP posts in Urgent Care Centers from Ireland
Preț: €80,000 / year
HEKA Recruitment is now seeking general practitioners (GPs) for urgent care medical centres in Ireland who want to earn €80,000 per year. Newly qualified GPs and non-EU Specialist Doctors with IMC registration (provided that they have GP experience) are accepted too.Doctors will be taken on an annual contract basis with the following package:
1. Salary starts with €80,000 per annum with an increment annually.
2. Rent allowance of €500 per month for initial 3 months for each doctor to facilitate doctor to settle in Ireland.
3. Paid annual leave of 21 days per year.
4. The general practitioner will be based in urgent medical centres at different locations depending on availability of the position.
5. The duty hours will be from 10am to 10pm. The hours will be broken up in 6-8 hours shifts, but in rare, unforeseeable circumstances the duty hours can be up to a maximum of continuous 12 hours.
6. The doctor will be provided with a bonus by the company on an annual basis, the amount of which will vary depending on each individual’s performance.
7. T will not be an extra allowance for Sundays and Bank holidays. (Compensated by annual bonus).
8. We will facilitate the opening of bank account, setting up company, getting PPS no. and registration with Irish Medical Council.
9. Each doctor will be working 48 hours per week and whoever works hours more than that will be paid extra hours.
GPs with following prerequisites are required:
1. Doctor should be on general practice specialist register
2. Doctor should have at least 2-3 years’ experience as general practitioner
3. Should have no history of previous medical mal practice/convictions from the court regarding professional misconduct or negligence
4. Doctor should have been involved in CPD (continued professional development)
5. Good Command in English Language is essential.
Please apply now.
Great offer from the UK for EU Doctors only!
Medicii Rezidenti si Specialisti cu experienta recenta in Anestezie & Terapie Intensiva, Chirurgie, Interne, Oncologie, Ortopedie si Urgente pot aplica pentru posturi care pot fi accesate fara IELTS/OET.Ne puteti contacta pentru mai multe informatii despre aceste oportunitati profesionale.
Resident Medical Officer jobs in England - No IELTS / OET for GMC!
Preț: £32,000 - £60,000 / year
The Resident Medical Officer (RMO) is the doctor who inhabits, is resident at the private hospital for the period of cover. Most private hospitals in the United Kingdom are required to have a RMO on site 24 hours a day to cover for cardiac arrests on behalf of consultants. The hospitals vary in size, medical complexity and workload but a typical private hospital will handle elective, low-risk surgery only. There are relatively few acute medical admissions, as private hospitals generally do not accept myocardial infarcts, etc. Only the larger hospitals (>60 beds) will have ICU or ITUs and most of the clinical workload is geared towards general ward work and managing post-operative complications.RMOs cover private hospital for emergencies and general ward work. Some hospitals may require RMOs to assist in theatre. Outside of office hours (in the evenings and weekends), the RMO is the only doctor on site and must be confident in dealing with clinical emergencies on behalf of admitting consultants.
Salary & Rotation options:
Every full time contracted RMO will have the opportunity to earn over £60,000 gross per year.
Salaries are paid monthly and in a year the RMO can have 17 weeks of free time. Most EU doctors enjoy much less than 17 weeks of freedom in their current jobs and are paid significantly lower salaries in their own countries.
The contracts are signed for a fixed term of either 6, 9 or 12 months and the most common rotation is 1 week ON – 1 week OFF although other rotations (1:2, 2:2 or 1:3) are accepted as well.
Advantages of the RMO work:
+ Working schedule adapted to your professional and personal needs; various rotations so that, if you want, you can keep your job in the home country;
+ Attractive salaries without having to work the entire month;
+ No IELTS / OET needed for the GMC registration. The British RMO employer does not ask doctors to take the IELTS exam and generally use an alternate path to get them licence to practice.
+ Meals and accommodation are provided free of charge for the RMO whilst on duty and the on-call room will usually have satellite TV and Internet access.
+ RMO work offers opportunities to travel, spend time with your family or work on research during your off weeks, whilst earning an excellent salary for the time you spend in the UK. It also has become the most popular way of earning a living in the UK whilst at the same time gaining firsthand experience of the British health system.
At least 2 years of post-graduate hospital experience.
A very good level of English, both spoken and written.
Recent surgical and medical experience. This means you need to have worked in a Surgery ward for at least 6 months and also 6 months in a Medical department in the last 2 years. If doctors do not have this, they will have to show pre- and post-operative experience, which includes time in Accident and Emergency and time in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care.
Doctors must be competent in basic medical skills: blood taking, cannulation, ECG’s, urethral catheterisation, insertion of naso-astric tubes and obtaining arterial blood gasses.
All applicants are required to hold full adult and paediatric resuscitation qualifications (ACLS and APLS or equivalent). Support will be provided with getting these qualifications.
Ability to carry out general ward work in line with the specific hospital job description. This often includes updating consultants, pharmacy procedures and may include clerking patients.
You will be a team member and need to present a friendly and professional demeanor to patients and staff alike. Also, you will be expected to lead the resuscitation team in the event of a cardiac arrest and so you need to be able to display leadership skills.
If you are an EU qualified Doctor or a non-EU one who has an acceptable post-graduate qualification, you can apply for these jobs by sending us your English CV and one of our dedicated consultants will be happy to contact you to discuss the above option. Also, if you have colleagues who might be interested in these opportunities, please contact us.
Urgent: Medici Specialisti ATI pentru Constanta
Preț: pana la 5,000 EUR pe luna
HEKA Recruitment cauta pentru spitale de elita din Constanta medici specialisti ATI interesati sa-si desfasoare activitatea in sectii moderne si cu o cazuistica diversa. Conditiile de lucru si salariile sunt la standarde vest-europene, venitul putand sa ajuna la €5,000 pe luna! Daca va intereseaza aceste oportunitati profesionale si/sau aveti colegi care ar putea fi interesati, nu ezitati sa ne contactati. Orice recomandare de succes va fi recompensata financiar.
Posturi pentru Medici Rezidenti in Anglia
Preț: 60,000 lire pe an
HEKA Recruitment are posturi pentru Medici Rezidenti in spitale de elita din Anglia. Contractele sunt semnate pe 6-12 luni, salariul anual poate ajunge pana la 60,000 lire iar programul de lucru este unul care va permite continuarea rezidentiatului / activitatii din Romania.
Experienta de cel putin 2 ani acumulata in Anestezie & Terapie Intensiva, Urgente, Medicina Generala, Interne, Chirurgie este una care va va ajuta la ocuparea acestor posturi.
Clientii nostri britanici va pot ajuta sa obtineti licenta de practica de la GMC fara sa mai sustineti examenul lingvistic IELTS Academic. Nivelul dvs. de limba engleza trebuie sa fie insa bun/foarte bun si va fi testat atat telefonic, cat si la interviurile din Anglia.
Ne puteti contacta pentru mai multe informatii si/sau trimite CV-ul in engleza pe adresa:
Medical Doctors for elite British hospitals
Preț: up to £65,000 per year
Resident and Specialist Doctors are sought after all over the UK and can earn up to £65,000 per year. Are you an EU qualified Doctor who is thinking about working in the UK but, in the same time, you want to keep your job in your home country? It's very possible! Contact us now to find out how.Doctors with at least 2-3 years of recent hospital experience in:
Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
Emergency Medicine
General Internal Medicine
are invited to apply for attractive posts in the British healthcare system.
Some of our British clients can help European Doctors to get the licence to practise from the GMC without having to sit the IELTS / OET language exam. Your English level needs to be a very good one and it will be tested at the interviews.
Have your Medical Diploma recognized by the General Medical Council this year, and get the licence to practise before Brexit with our help!
The accommodation and meals are provided on most rotations during working weeks, and the contracts are signed for at least 6-12 months. These jobs are a great introduction to the UK's medical system, and are absolutely the best first step for a doctor wanting to work in the UK.
As most of our doctors have not worked in the UK before, the support our British clients provide is excellent, and the flexible "week on-week off" rotation allows doctors a comfortable settling in period. These roles set doctors up in the best possible way for their long-term future in the United Kingdom, should they want so. Apply now!
Resident & Specialist Doctors for Germany
Preț: 84,000 EUR / an
HEKA Recruitment now has Resident and Specialist Doctors in GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE and an UROLOGY Specialist posts in an elite medical center from Bavaria. If you have at least B2 in German, you can apply now and earn between €4,800 and €7,000 / month.The Resident Doctors with at least 1 year of experience in General / Internal Medicine can even do their training in this center. Fresh medical graduates who speak German very well and would like to specialize in General Internal Medicine can also apply for these professional opportunities.
Help with finding accommodation, schools for children etc. is offered.
Apply now and / or let your colleagues know!
Intalnirea Medicilor de Familie cu angajatorii britanici in Bucuresti: 7 - 8 Septembrie 2018
Medicii de Familie romani se pot intalni in Bucuresti luna viitoare cu reprezentantii viitorului angajator britanic: NHS England. Astfel vor afla direct de la sursa mai multe informatii despre posturile de General Practitioner din Anglia si despre cum pot intra in programul de pregatire pentru aceste oportunitati profesionale. Specialistii interesati de o cariera in Anglia pot chiar participa la interviuri cu angajatorul si isi pot asigura un salariu de pana la 72,000 lire pe an prin intrarea in procesul de inregistrare si relocare la capatul caruia vor putea deveni Independent General Practitioners. Acestia vor primi permanent ajutor profesionist pe parcursul intregului proces.Nu ezitati sa ne contactati daca dvs. si/sau colegii dvs. sunt interesati sa participe la acest interesant eveniment.
Interviuri prin Skype pentru posturi de SHO Surgery in Irlanda de Nord
Vinerea viitoare, 3 Noiembrie 2017, HEKA Recruitment organizeaza interviuri prin Skype cu reprezentantii unui spital universitar din Irlanda de Nord (Marea Britanie).Pot participa Medicii Rezidenti care au cel putin 3-4 ani de experienta recenta in Chirurgie Generala precum si un certificat lingvistic IELTS 7,5 Academic valid sau licenta de practica de la General Medical Council.
Contractele se semneaza pe 12 luni iar salariul brut anual este cuprins intre 30,000 si 47,000 lire.
Ne puteti contacta pentru mai multe informatii si trimite CV-ul in engleza pe adresa