ROmedic Firme medicale Recrutare personal medical

Ophthalmic Surgeons for Ireland

Acest job nu mai este activ (data de expirare a fost depașită).
Salariu: up to £200,000 / year

HEKA Recruitment is looking for Ophthalmic surgeons for state-of-the-art private eye clinics in Ireland. Excellent salary (£150,000 - £200,000) and benefits package on offer.

We are looking for doctors that provide private intraocular lens and cataract surgery.

Doctors will need to be on IMC's Specialist register
Need to be ophthalmic surgeons – ideally have been trained up on cataract or laser machinery
Experience in cataract/IOL and LVC surgeons to undertake procedures.

• Industry-leading Johnson & Johnson Vision and Zeiss technology
• Latest generation premium intraocular lenses
• Experienced clinical support team
• State of the art clinics
• Flexible working
• Opportunities to be involved in clinical research

Please apply now and / or let your colleagues know!