Medical Doctors for elite British hospitals
Acest job nu mai este activ (data de expirare a fost depașită).
Salariu: up to £65,000 per yearResident and Specialist Doctors are sought after all over the UK and can earn up to £65,000 per year. Are you an EU qualified Doctor who is thinking about working in the UK but, in the same time, you want to keep your job in your home country? It's very possible! Contact us now to find out how.
Doctors with at least 2-3 years of recent hospital experience in:
Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
Emergency Medicine
General Internal Medicine
are invited to apply for attractive posts in the British healthcare system.
Some of our British clients can help European Doctors to get the licence to practise from the GMC without having to sit the IELTS / OET language exam. Your English level needs to be a very good one and it will be tested at the interviews.
Have your Medical Diploma recognized by the General Medical Council this year, and get the licence to practise before Brexit with our help!
The accommodation and meals are provided on most rotations during working weeks, and the contracts are signed for at least 6-12 months. These jobs are a great introduction to the UK's medical system, and are absolutely the best first step for a doctor wanting to work in the UK.
As most of our doctors have not worked in the UK before, the support our British clients provide is excellent, and the flexible “week on-week off” rotation allows doctors a comfortable settling in period. These roles set doctors up in the best possible way for their long-term future in the United Kingdom, should they want so. Apply now!