ROmedic Firme medicale Recrutare personal medical

SHOs, Specialty Doctors and Consultants for all over the UK

Acest job nu mai este activ (data de expirare a fost depașită).
Salariu: up to £104,000 per year

HEKA Recruitment now has Locum and Substantive posts for GMC registered Doctors who are interested in working in the UK this year. Contact us today to find out how you can earn up to £104,000 per year in one of the most advanced medical systems in the world. We are now looking for Doctors with at least 3-4 years of recent experience for the following positions:

Senior House Officers in:

Accident & Emergency
Medicine – Across all sub-specialties
Surgery – Across all sub-specialties

Specialty Doctors in:

Accident & Emergency
Adult Psychiatry
CAMHS Psychiatry
Eating Disorder Psychiatry
Learning Disability Psychiatry
Medicine – Across all sub-specialties

Consultants in:

Accident & Emergency
Acute Medicine
Adult Psychiatry
CAMHS Psychiatry
Eating Disorder Psychiatry
Learning Disability Psychiatry
Stroke Medicine

Together with our British partners, we will be there to help you overcome any challenges you may have with taking up your exciting new role. Skype / phone interviews will be organized in the upcoming weeks and these posts are substantive or fixed term and come with attractive salaries and incentives including a large relocation package.

Please send us your CV and one of our dedicated consultants will be happy to contact you to discuss the above option. We also have many other vacancies that may be of interest to you, so please do call us to discuss your current situation and we can match your requirements to some of our existing positions or alternatively go and search the marketplace for your ideal role.

Don’t forget to tell your colleagues about this professional opportunity!