intrebare...urgent - bubite pe penis
am de cativa ani pe partea de jos a penisului niste nu stiu de la ce sunt...arata ca niste cosuri doar ca nu se sparg si nu ma dor nici nu ma mananca sunt doar pe partea de de jos a penisului. prezenta lor nu prezinta nici un disconfort dar ma ingrijoreaza. multumesc
6 comentarii
se poate sa fie un citomegalovirus, care nu se manifesta dar lasa urme, incearca sa consulti un medic de la spitalul de boli venerice Scarlat Longhin (langa liceul Sincai ) statia Tineretului daca esti din Bucuresti.
Ce inseamna " pe partea de jos"? Adica sub gland, pe partea inferioara a tecii penisului, sub scrot, unde?
nu sunt specialist, dar citeste ce am gasit pe net (numai in limba engleza am gasit destule detalii).Aceste bubite albe se numesc Pearly penile papules
If you're panicking about the small white spots that have appeared on your penis, breathe a sigh of relief - it's likely they are completely harmless.
What are these spots on my penis?
Pearly penile papules (PPP) are tiny, white, pin-head-sized spots that can form in rows around the neck end of a lad's knob (also known as the penis glands). They're commonly mistaken for a sexually transmitted infection such as genital warts, but are in fact entirely harmless. You can't pick them up or spread them. They also shouldn't itch, weep or bleed - and if they do, make sure you see your GP.
Why do I get them?
It is believed that PPPs are more common in uncircumsised men, and also men in their 20s and 30s, but this remains scientifically unproven. The fact is that no conclusive cause is known. PPP may look alarming to you, but other people are only going to notice if you make a big song and dance about it.
Is there a cure?
No treatment is required, because PPP is not hazardous to health (and under no circumstances should you attempt to remove them yourself). Even so, if you're worried in any way, don't hesitate to get checked out by your doctor or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic. Ultimately, a clean bill of health for your bell end is the only way to guarantee peace of mind.
If you're panicking about the small white spots that have appeared on your penis, breathe a sigh of relief - it's likely they are completely harmless.
What are these spots on my penis?
Pearly penile papules (PPP) are tiny, white, pin-head-sized spots that can form in rows around the neck end of a lad's knob (also known as the penis glands). They're commonly mistaken for a sexually transmitted infection such as genital warts, but are in fact entirely harmless. You can't pick them up or spread them. They also shouldn't itch, weep or bleed - and if they do, make sure you see your GP.
Why do I get them?
It is believed that PPPs are more common in uncircumsised men, and also men in their 20s and 30s, but this remains scientifically unproven. The fact is that no conclusive cause is known. PPP may look alarming to you, but other people are only going to notice if you make a big song and dance about it.
Is there a cure?
No treatment is required, because PPP is not hazardous to health (and under no circumstances should you attempt to remove them yourself). Even so, if you're worried in any way, don't hesitate to get checked out by your doctor or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic. Ultimately, a clean bill of health for your bell end is the only way to guarantee peace of mind.
Cred ca raspunsul l-ai aflat singur! Papulele perlate ale penisului nu reprezinta o boala. Daca vrei sa-ti satisfaci curiozitatea, intreba un prieten daca si el are aceeasi "boala" si vei trage singur concluziile!
am fost si eu la 4 medici 3 cu trimitere si unu privat si toti mi-au spus acelasi lucu...asa ca te-asi sfatui sa nu te mai gandesti la cum desi am bubite dinalea tot face sex si nu se plange nici o fata
buna ziua am si eu o antrebare am 46 ani nam mai avut contact sexual de 13 ani nam sot. dar acuma am o problema la ambi sani mea esit ceva ca 2 nuci unflate , am fost la doctor si mea zis ca sant chisturi si trebue sa ma operez. ce sant mai grave chisturi sau nodule fi aparut chisturile ca nu miam refacut veata sexuala. sant foarte nervoasa .va multumesc
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Peste 13000 de cabinete medicale își prezintă serviciile pe ROmedic.
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