Asistente medicale pentru UK, Malta, Germania, Orientul Mijlociu, etc.
IMS has clients looking for a number of experienced nurses.
All candidates must speak very good English!
Care homes across UK needs many nurses. Interviews in Bucharest and Cluj end of July
Leicester. Privately managed care home needs nurses
For UK positions, all candidates must be EU citizens or have acquired rights via marriage to an EU citizen.
All applicants must have NMC registration and a minimum of 1 years"™ experience
Surgical hospitals across UK need experienced theatre and staff nurses.
London private hospital needs ICU/PICU/theatre and staff nurses. 4 years"™ experience required
Our client is the leading private hospital group in the Mediterranean island of Malta.
Nurses required for positions in surgery, general medicine and rehabilitation.
Minimum of 2 years"™ experience.
For Malta all, candidates must be EU citizens or have acquired rights via marriage to an EU citizen.
IMS has many clients in top Middle East hospitals.
All the hospitals that IMS recruit for have excellent modern facilities and international medical teams.
- Attractive tax free salaries
- Accommodation
- Other benefits
Newly reopened hospital is looking for experienced nurses; particularly theatre nurses.
Major hospitals in Riyadh and Jeddah require experienced nurses in all specialisms.
Kuwait"™s leading private hospital group requires nurses positions in surgery, general medicine
Minimum of 4 years"™ experience.
Major JCIA accredited hospital requires staff nurses with experience in NICU/ICU/surgery and obst/gynae.
All candidates must speak very good English!
Care homes across UK needs many nurses. Interviews in Bucharest and Cluj end of July
Leicester. Privately managed care home needs nurses
For UK positions, all candidates must be EU citizens or have acquired rights via marriage to an EU citizen.
All applicants must have NMC registration and a minimum of 1 years"™ experience
Surgical hospitals across UK need experienced theatre and staff nurses.
London private hospital needs ICU/PICU/theatre and staff nurses. 4 years"™ experience required
Our client is the leading private hospital group in the Mediterranean island of Malta.
Nurses required for positions in surgery, general medicine and rehabilitation.
Minimum of 2 years"™ experience.
For Malta all, candidates must be EU citizens or have acquired rights via marriage to an EU citizen.
IMS has many clients in top Middle East hospitals.
All the hospitals that IMS recruit for have excellent modern facilities and international medical teams.
- Attractive tax free salaries
- Accommodation
- Other benefits
Newly reopened hospital is looking for experienced nurses; particularly theatre nurses.
Major hospitals in Riyadh and Jeddah require experienced nurses in all specialisms.
Kuwait"™s leading private hospital group requires nurses positions in surgery, general medicine
Minimum of 4 years"™ experience.
Major JCIA accredited hospital requires staff nurses with experience in NICU/ICU/surgery and obst/gynae.
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Peste 13000 de cabinete medicale își prezintă serviciile pe ROmedic.
Peste 13000 de cabinete medicale își prezintă serviciile pe ROmedic.
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