DOCTORS ( with experience in administrating fillers) -DOUBLIN

The Clinic is located in Doublin and specialises in dermal fillers and non-surgical augmentation.
We are looking to recruit a fully qualified doctor from Bucharest who is willing to relocate and work in Dublin
We are looking to recruit a fully qualified doctor from Bucharest willing to relocate and work in Dublin.
Job description:
Administering dermal and facial fillers to customers
Administering Botox to customers
Conducting consultations with customers and informing them which treatments will be best suited to them
The doctor must have previous experience working with dermal fillers and botox- MINIMUM 2 Years
The working hours will be 40 per week – 8 hours per day 5 days a week.
You will get support into finding accomodation and the first month ren tis offered by the Clinic.
Salary: €4000 per month
Starting date: end of November 2018 / the begining of December 2018
We are looking to recruit a fully qualified doctor from Bucharest who is willing to relocate and work in Dublin
We are looking to recruit a fully qualified doctor from Bucharest willing to relocate and work in Dublin.
Job description:
Administering dermal and facial fillers to customers
Administering Botox to customers
Conducting consultations with customers and informing them which treatments will be best suited to them
The doctor must have previous experience working with dermal fillers and botox- MINIMUM 2 Years
The working hours will be 40 per week – 8 hours per day 5 days a week.
You will get support into finding accomodation and the first month ren tis offered by the Clinic.
Salary: €4000 per month
Starting date: end of November 2018 / the begining of December 2018
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