valentin matei

Acest utilizator poartă marca de "Colaborator pe Forumul ROmedic" și are identitate confirmată de medic sau alt tip de terapeut (psiholog, dietetician, kinetoterapeut etc).

Dr. Valentin Matei

  • Profesie: medic primar psihiatru
  • Specialitatea: Psihiatrie
  • Loc de muncă: UMF "Carol Davila" Sp Al Obregia, MedLife Titan,
  • Localitate: Bucuresti
  • Adresa: sos Berceni nr 10
2013-present Sef de Lucrari UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti
2010-present MedLife Titan (0219646)
2008-present "Al. Obregia" Psychiatric Hospital (Sectia 2)

2003 - 2005 Dr. Victor Babes Diagnostic and Treatment Center, Bucharest (outpatients clinic)
9/04-10/04 Clinical attachment - Queen Elisabeth Hosp. London, Old Age Psychiatry Ward
1998-2002 Resident in psychiatry "Alexandru Obregia" Psychiatric Hospital, Bucharest
1997-1998 Trainee (Internship) Regional Hospital Bacau, Romania

2012 PhD
2009 Senior Psychiatrist
2002 Passed the examination for Specialist in Psychiatry
1996 Graduated Doctor, "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania with a research paper on "Group psychotherapy at the Socola Hospital Iasi"
1987 Graduated, "Vasile Alecsandri" High School, Bacau, Romania


1. Valentin Matei, Abraham Reichenberg "Cognitive functioning in childhood and adulthood risk for depressive symptoms in the 1970 British birth cohort" poster presented at 22nd ECNP Congress, 12-16 September 2009, Istanbul, Turkey

2. Valentin Matei, Abraham Reichenberg, Anthony S. David "Cognitive Functioning in Childhood and Early Onset Psychotic and Depressive Symptoms in the 1970 British Birth Cohort" poster presented at Society of Biological Psychiatry meeting, 1-3 May, Washington, 2008

3. Valentin Matei, Michael Davidson "Schizophrenia, risk and prediction in the context of genetic/environmental interactions" Romanian Journal of Psychiatry no. 3-4 (2007)

4. Michael Davidson, Valentin Matei "Cognitive functioning as an endophenotype to investigate schizophrenia" Romanian Journal of Psychiatry no. 1-2 (2007) p. 4-12
5. Valentin Matei, Michael Davidson "Neurodevelopmental disorder versus neurodegeneration in schizophrenia" Romanian Journal of Psychiatry no.3-4 (2006.) p 95-102
6. Valentin Matei "Treatment resistance in outpatients with depressive episode" poster presented at ECNP Congress Amsterdam 2005
7. Valentin Matei "Treatment particularities in first episode of schizophrenia" Presentation. Winners ECNP Educational Team Awards 2005, Poiana Braşov, Romania
8. Valentin Matei, Victor Marinescu "The treatment of negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia" Medic.ro (2005) no.1 Electronic Journal
9. Valentin Matei "What is the place of benzodiazepines in anxiety disorders?" Romanian Journal of Medicine vol LI, no. 2-3 (2004). p 124-129
10. Valentin Matei, Victor Marinescu "Computer use - between normality and addiction", Romanian Journal of Psychiatry no. 3-4 (2004), p. 55-58.
11. Constantin Bogdan, Monica Crugel, Valentin. Matei "Sleep disturbances in people suffering from dementia"; poster presented at 7-ème Réunion Francophone sur la maladie d"™Alzheimer et les syndromes apparentés, Paris, Oct. 2003
12. Victor Marinescu, Monica Crugel, Valentin Matei, Constantin Bogdan "Trazodone for sleep disturbances in people with dementia" poster presented at: 7-ème Réunion Francophone sur la maladie d"™Alzheimer et les syndromes apparentés, Paris, Oct. 2003
13. Marina Codreanu, Monica Crugel, Valentin Matei "Nicotine dependence in psychiatric patients"; poster presented at National Congress of Residents, Sibiu, Sept 2003
14. Valentin Matei "New trends in depression biology - possible links to treatment" Infomedicina, Sept 2002, p. 11
15. Valentin Matei "Mirtazapine and Buspirone in GAD with depressive symptoms", in "New trends in psychiatric rehabilitation", Bacau, Romania, (2002), p. 100-109
16. Valentin Matei "The prevalence of anxiety disorders in general population", Infomedicina, April 2002, p. 7
17. Valentin Matei "Augmentation of antidepressive therapy with valproic acid ", presentation at the National Conference Therapy and Management in Psychiatry, Craiova, Romania 2001
18. Florin Ene, Valentin Matei "Particularities of alcoholism at old age" and "The medium depressive disorder with somatoform symptoms", presentations for the 28-th Symposium of the European Association of Geriatric Psychiatry (Oradea) 2000
Translations for JAMA-RO
10/05 ECNP Congress, Amsterdam
09/05 Advanced Maudsley Forum-the 5-th Maudsley Forum (London)
04/05 The ECNP Interactive Educational Course, Poiana Brasov, Romania
Winner of the ECNP Comity Award
07/04 The 4-th Maudsley Forum. A course for European psychiatrists. (London)
9/04-10/04 Clinical attachment - Queen Elisabeth Hosp. London, Old Age Psychiatry Ward and Community Mental Health Team
04/03 Intensive course in Reminiscence therapy for people with dementia, a PHARE Program in collaboration with The Reminiscence Center London
02-05 Training in family psychotherapy: a three years course -"Socrate Erasmus Program"- with Turku University Finland
05/02 Intensive Courses organized by the Association of European Psychiatrists, Stockholm: "Interpersonal Psychotherapy of depression"; "Neuroanatomy for psychiatrists"; "Molecular genetics of schizophrenia -an update"

07/02 Regional Congress of International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, Bucharest
04/02 7-th Regional Meeting of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Bucharest
04/00 Psychopharmacology of Depression -5 day course Bucharest
10/00 Neurobiology and treatment of schizophrenia-3 day course Bucharest
English: very good (7 points on IELTS Academic)
French: medium