Welcome Doctor Aljobory Medical Center, our private clinic in Timisoara! Our goal is to offer you a safe and effective medical experience through high quality medical services and personalised care. Our team of doctors and medical staff is at your disposal for consultations, investigations and specialised treatments.
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At our clinic, Doctor Aljobory Medical Center Timișoara, we have extensive experience both as a specialised  clinic in early diagnosis amd treatment  and with the accumulated experience of our doctors in 15 different medical specialisations.

Our medical specialisations

Here are the medical specialisations available at our clinic: Cardiology, Gynecology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Pneumology, Neurology, ENT, Dermatology, Orthopedics, Doppler Ultrasound, Senology, Thoracic and General Surgery, Urology.

Accurate Diagnosis

The doctors in our clinic collaborate together to provide a complete, accurate, and prompt diagnosis and treatment to our patients.

Free medical services through private health insurances

If you have a private insurance with Allianz Țiriac Private Insurance, Signal Iduna or SanoPass, you benefit from free services for consultations and even more complex medical procedures. Specialties with free medical services through private health insurance Allianz Țiriac Asigurări, Signal Iduna, SanoPass: Cardiology, Gynecology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Pneumology, Neurology, ENT, Dermatology, Orthopedics, Doppler Ultrasound, Senology, Thoracic and General Surgery, Urology.

Other usefull links:

https://dr.aljobory-medicalcenter.ro/ https://www.facebook.com/DrAljoboryMedicalCenter https://instagram.com/dr.aljoborymedicalcenter?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Timisoara, Str.Bucovinei nr.73 ( Zona Torontalului) Monday - Friday : 08 - 20
mobile phone 0740070070 / land line 0256 241 277
email 1: contact@aljobory-medicalcenter.ro
emai 2: clinicaaljobory@gmail.com

The last testimonials:

Bucsai Vasile, 54 years old

Overall satisfaction: Very satisfied

Recomand cu încredere serviciile oferite de clinica aljabori .

Gruber Otilia, 47 years old

Overall satisfaction: Very satisfied

Am avut ocazia sa cunosc doctor extraordinari si ma bucur ca am gasit aceasta clinica..recomand la toata lumea care au nevoie de doctori cu experiență

Victor Guggenheim, 44 years old

Overall satisfaction: Satisfied

Recomand din tot sufletul.
Va mulțumesc in continuare ptr ca ati fost omul care pe mine m-a salvat și nu ati lăsat ca eu sa plec de pe pământ.
Cu stima,
Mag. Victor Guggenheim, MBA

All testimonials

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