Center of excellence in Cardiology! Experience and premium equipment! The medical team - cardiologists, paediatricians, pulmonologist, radiologist, ultrasound. Vascular Doppler, 2D and 4D Echocardiography for children and adults, Holter ECG and BP map, Stress test, Spirometry. Thyroid, abdominal-pelvic ultrasound. Craiova, Dolj, Tel: 0771493887
SPERANTA Medical Center, reference center in Craiova for investigations in the field of cardiology, pediatric cardiology, pediatrics, pulmonology, ultrasound, pediatric nephrology, ORL, neurology, dermatology and dermato-cosmetics, psychiatry, internal medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, urology, nephrology, somnology. The center is aimed at both children and adults, with a friendly environment for all.
Appointments at 0771493887.
We are a center of excellence in cardiology, being the first center in Romania to implement 4D cardiac ultrasound, using high-performance equipment based on artificial intelligence algorithms.
The high-quality equipment and the experience of the medical staff ensure a correctly formulated diagnosis.
For correct diagnoses and appropriate treatments to help you enjoy your health, request an appointment at the SPERANTA Medical Center!
The best doctors for your health!
The last testimonials:

Overall satisfaction: Very satisfied
Recomand Dr. Adrian Coanda. Profesionalism, empatie, rabdare, disponibilitate

Overall satisfaction: Very satisfied
Recomand Clinica Speranța și mulțumesc dr. POPA RADU, este un medic deosebit, foarte bine pregătit.Are aparatură excepțională.
Aveam probleme la inima pe care un alt medic la care mergeam de ani de zile, nu le-a dat de cap. Dr Popa a fost a descoperit problema și cu tratamentul dat mă simt excelent.

Overall satisfaction: Very satisfied
Personalul este minunat, Dr Coanda este un medic exceptional, intotdeauna atent si amabil. Super profesional. VA RECOMAND!
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