Hello! My name is Ingrid. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile, I appreciate your interest!
Iam a licensed English, German and Romanian speaking psychotherapist in practice since 2013. My basic motivation is to help you overcome your present challenges. I am a trauma therapist with extensive training in treating attachment traumas and their aftermath: anxiety disorders, trauma- and stressor-related disorders, depressive disorders, sexual dysfunctions, personality disorders, somatic symptoms, dissociation. Many of my clients struggle with unhealthy relationships, emotional disregulation or difficulties with self care and they need professional help to improve.
It is very important for me to understand the links between your present struggles and your history and I am passionate about getting to the root of your difficulties, so that deep, fundamental transformation can occur. I am also very commited toa safe and supportive environment for you so that we can both explore and develop the resources you need to regain control over your life.
My approach in therapy is guided by the Adaptive Information Processing model (Shapiro 2007). Your brain has an innate healing mechanism. But when major disruptive events occur, your brain becomes overwhelmed and unprocessed informations (images, beliefs, emotions or bodily sensations) remain dysfunctionally stored in separate, unintegrated networks. According to the Adaptive Information Processing model, current symptoms or disturbances occur when your information processing system gets blocked and networks of unintegrated informations get triggered by current events.
Bilateral stimulation in EMDR therapy facilitates the processing of unintegrated informations and eliminates disturbing emotions, beliefs and bodily sensations that keep you stuck. I am fascinated about the results with EMDR therapy in helping my clients to get relief from a high variety of disorders or symptoms that do not constitute a pathology in themselves, but whichmajor distress (for example: anger issues, restlessness, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, emotional blockages, somatic symptoms).
EMDR is an evidence based therapy, recommended by the APA (American Psychiatric Association, 2004) and the World Health Organization (2013). I love its structured eight-phase approach and its benefits for my clients!
I am a committed EMDR Europe Practitioner and I offer complete psychotherapy services for adults in three languages: in English, German and Romanian.
To request an appointment, the best way to reach me is by email: schiffer.ingrid@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +40 728 042 470. In an initial consultation, we can explore your concerns, find the best way I can help you and get to know each other better.
Education & Experience
I have a BS in Psychology (2008) and a MS in Clinical Psychology (2010). I am a committed EMDR Europe Practitioner, accredited by the European EMDR Association and also a therapist specialised in psychotraumatology and dissociation, Ericksonian psychotherapy, relaxation techniques and clinical hypnosis. In practice: 11 years.
Professional & Volunteer Affiliations
I am a member of EMDRIA,, member of the College of Psychologists from Romania (CPR), member of the Romanian EMDR Association (SREMDR), member of the Romanian Association of Clinical Hypnosis, Relaxation and Ericksonian Therapy (ARHTE), member of the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy (FRP).
The last testimonials:

Overall satisfaction: Very satisfied
Ii sunt profund recunoscatoare doamnei psihoterapeut Ingrid Schiffer pentru sprijinul constant pe care mi l-a oferit pe parcursul intregului proces terapeutic. Cabinetul dumneaei a fost un spatiu de refugiu si siguranta pentru mine, un loc in care am reusit sa depasesc cele mai mari traume si sa imi regasesc echilibrul emotional.

Overall satisfaction: Very satisfied
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