Vand ecograf ETS-M01 cu 2 sonde de 3,5 si 7 MHz
Acest anunț nu mai este activ (data de expirare a fost depașită).
Anunț publicat de: Dr.PasarinLocație: Tg-Jiu (Gorj)
Telefon: 0744568103
Data: 24-04-2015
1.The instrument overall dimensions are :508*444**300 (dimensiuni )
2.Mass of instrument complete whith full deliveryset (Greutatea) 17 Kg
2.1 mass of the ultrasonic probes 0.5 Kg each (greutatea unei sonde)
3.The instrument ultrasonic scan characterised by the following parameter values:
-depth of probing,mm for the 3 MHZ probe 180+/-18
for the 5Mhz probe 100+/- 10
-lenght of the skip zone,mm,max for the 3 MHz probe 15
for the 5MHz probe 12
-angle of scaning,degree 87+/-5
4.The instrument provides for display of the image at depths :
for the 3MHz probe for the 5MHz probe
10-110 mm 10-110 mm
25-125mm 25-125mm
35-135mm 35-135mm
50-150mm 50-150mm
5.The natural frecvency of the ultrasonic probes:
(3+/- 0,6)MHz
6.The instrument axial resolution is not worse than:
-for the 3MHz probe -2mm
-for the 5 MHz probe-1,5mm
7.The instrument azimuth resolution is not worse than:
-for the 3 MHz probe-4mm
-for the 5 MHz probe -3mm
8.The instrument measurement deviations should not exceed:
+/- 2 mm when measuring linear dimensions
+/- 4mm when measuring perimeter
+/- 100mm2 when measuring area
+/- 0.2 s when measuring time intervals
9.The instrument ensures indication of the following service information:
-depth of probing
-ultrasonic probe frequency
-dinamic range
-measurment result
-distance scales and time marks
10.The instrument provides for the keyboard input and indication of the following service information:
-date of examination
-patient surname
-examination area location on the patient body
bounds of measurements
11.Dynamic range of the instrument electroacoustic is 70dB minimum
12.Number of the echosignal quantization level is equal to 16
13.Dimensions of the instrument display field are:
-horisontal 60mm
-vertical 80mm
14.Number of shades of grey reproduced by the display screen is 16 minimum
15.Power consumption from the mains does not exceed 150VA
16 The instrument is designed for daily uninterrupted operatio at alternatio of any mode "B" and"M" for 6 hour whit the display mode every 10 min of operation
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*Câmpuri obligatorii.