Ecograf Mindray DC-N6
- Producător:MINDRAY, China
- Preț:la cerere

Product Information:
Manufacturer: Mindray
Advanced Technology
3T Transducer Technology
Octal Beam Formation
Phase shift THI
iClear ™: Speckle suppression imaging
iBeam ™: Spatial compounding imaging
Radiology application:
Abundant exam modes and rich series of probes for specific application
iScape ™ View: Real-time panoramic imaging
iNeedle ™: Needle Visualization Enhancement
Trapezoidal imaging
Ex FOV: ExtendedFOV on convex probes
Cardiovascular application:
Stress echo
Auto IMT
TDI with quantitative analysis
Free Xros ™ M Mode: Anatomic M mode
Free Xros CM ™ : Curved anatomic M mode
OB/GYN application:
Smart 3D ™: Free-hand 3D imaging
Spot zoom function: clear view on subtle fetal structures
Complete OB formulae and professional report templates
Ergonomics & Workflow
iPower ™: Intelligent power solution with built-in battery
iTouch ™ : Intelligent image optimization for B, color and PW mode
iZoom ™ : Automatically expand the image to full screen
Auto Doppler trace and calculation
Auto LV function
320GB hard disk and high speed USB port for direct data transfer
Full network compatibility(wire and wireless)
Vizualizări produs: 1579
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