ND: YAG Laser Tattoo Removal (MED-810) - Stergere, Indepartare Tatuaje cu laser
- Producător:China
- Preț:la cerere

Laser pentru stergere, indepartare tatuaje
Product Description
ND: YAG Laser for Tattoo Removal
Q-Switched ND: YAG Laser System, With The Advanced Laser Technology, Could Make The Skin Selectively Absorbing Certain Wavelength of Laser and Achevie Curative Effect.
Tattoo Removal Laser (Med-810)
Tattoo Removal
Pigment Removal
Q-Switched ND: YAG Laser
Wavelength 1064nm & 532nm
Energy 1-1000mJ
Laser Type Q-switched KTP Nd:YAG
Spot Size 2-5mm
Repetition Rate 1-6Hz
Pulse Width
Imagini produs:
Vizualizări produs: 5121
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