LASER CO2 Fractional si Chirurgical BIOPIXEL
- Producător:Bios, Italia
- Preț:la cerere

- Ablative photorejuvenation
- Superficial Peeling
- Collagen Stimulation
- Stains and dyschromia
- Dermatological Surgery
Biopixel: maximum accuracy and delicacy
Biopixel is both a fractional and surgical CO2 laser, extremely sophisticated, versatile and ergonomic which is based on water and wavelength interaction at 10,6µm. Depending on the hand piece used, you can also perform dermatological surgery applications, eliminate skin stains and stimulate collagen fibers by the ablation process due to heat coming from the irradiated tissues. Skin rejuvenation, lifting and superficial peeling are among the most wanted aesthetic medicine treatments: make a good use of that.
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