Medical Discount: Produse medicale la pret redus

Stetoscop Clasic Pediatric - Model 422

Pret: neprecizat
Producator: Tytan Medical
Produs publicat de:  SYNERGO EUROPE -- Albesti (Mures) , telefon: 0745140179
Stetoscop Clasic Pediatric - Model 422 Features

The solid stainless steel chestpiece on both diaphragm and bell for excellent acoustic sensitivity.

Stainless steel binaural tube with a reinforce dual inner-spring construction provides extra durability, while still maintaining portability. ý

Special 22 inch Y type thick-walled tubing with internal 3-way sound transmission connector provides outstanding sound transmission. ý

Chestpiece has a non-chill rim on both diaphragm and bell-So there‘s no need to warm it up before use. ý

The eartubes are permanently set at anatomically correct angle for better sound transmitting into your ear canals. Plus, the soft screw-on soft eartips that assures maximum comfort and excellent acoustic seal in the ear canal. An extra diaphragm with pair of small soft screw-on and firm eartips are also provided.
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