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Spirometru ”Spiro-M PC” ECONET

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Produs publicat de:  DANSON -- Bucuresti (Bucuresti) , telefon: +40 212124909 / +40 723566871
Spirometru ”Spiro-M PC” ECONET

For diagnostic analysis of pulmonary function, incl. COPD and asthma.

Measurement of VC, FVC as well as MVV, pre-/ post measurements.

Comfortable analysis software with integrated assistance function and

children animation.

• Direct quality control of FVC-curves

• Integrated Management system for decision-making for best FVC-curve

• Anatomic animation of possible disease

• Automatic internal calibration (optional external calibration with pump)

• Integrated GDT interface

• Plug & Play USB connection

• Communication with patient through human voice (English)

• Pharmaceutical Test-Subsystem

• Secure and cost-effective disinfection of sensor with InstruMed disinfectant

Used Algorithms:

Knudson, E.R.S. , Crapo & Bass / Zappletal etc.

Measurement of all standard parameters of

pulmonary functions:

(FVC, -FEV*0.5, FEV*0.5/IVC, FEV*0.5/FVC, FEV*1.0/IVC, FEV*1.0/FVC, PEF,

FEF*25-75%, MEF*75%, MEF*50%, MEF*25%, FET, MTT, FIVC, FIV*0.5, FIV*1.0,

PIF, FIF*25-75%, VC, IRV, ERV, TV, Respiration speed)

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Nr. vizite 1527