ROmedic Firme medicale Produse ingrijire corporala si infrumusetare


  • Producător:SEDECAL
  • Preț:5500 EUR


Generator ozon medical pentru stomatologie !


Utilizare usoara datorata ecranului tactil. Confort excelent din punct de vedere operational. Siguranta de mare grad.


Main Applications


Surgery and prosthesis



Oral medicine

Orofacial pain and jaw skull pain


Specific Software applications for 03 Injector usage  ¨03 INJECTOR MODE¨


Independent Flow and pressure adjusment with risk analysys


The ozone generator Ozonette Dent is especially aimed for Dental therapy applications achiving:
- Faster cures.
- Better healing.
- Disinfection of inflamed areas       
- Healing of canker sores/herpes.
- Stop cavities. 
- Reduce tooth sensitivity        


Without allergic reactions or drug interactions. The ozono application increases parcial PO2, oxygenates tissues and has an immune regulating effect.
Designed with specific Dental software for:
- 03 injector.
- Independent flow and pressure adjustment with risk analysis.

High reliability device where dose concentrations must be measured accurately and safely, complying with international standards. 

The device also maintains the general ozone therapies to apply infiltrations, insufflations, topical bag treatments, saline solution, Major/Minor Autohemotherapy (*consult Ozonette Blue for more details).
Operating modes: automatic loading syringe, continuous mode with independent flow adjustment and inyector 03 mode 

Low consumption, high efficiency

Optimize your results while meeting "new dental demands”


We Support your decisión with ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001, EMAS, CE, UL, CSA Certifications in all our products, ongoing research projects (I+D+I) and a 2 years guarante.


Dimensions and Weight: 67x57x24cm (26x22.4x9.4”), 3kg(6.6lb).

Categorie produs  clasa II b conform Directivei MP 93/42 EWG.  Productie Spania.


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Vizualizări produs: 470

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