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800 euro
Anunț publicat de: MarianLocație: Brasov (Brasov)
Telefon: 0745681708
Data: 01-08-2014
Sau schimb cu autoturism cu motor pana in 1600cc
Technical specifications
Adults - Children
Home and hospital respiratory assistance
Ventilation modes
CMV/ACMV Volume Ventilation/Assist Controlled Ventilation in Volume
PCMV/APCMV Pressure Controlled/Assist Pressure Controlled
SIMV Synchronised Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
PS-PEEP Pressure Support with PEEP
(With or without guaranteed minimum tidal volume)
Patient interface
Invasive intubation, tracheotomy probe
Non - invasive mask
Patient circuit with
proximal flow sensor single or double branch
Tidal volume 50 mL to 2000 mL
Flow shape constant or decelerated
Respiratory rate 5 to 60 b/min
I/E ratio 1/4 to 1/1
or •
Ti/Ttot 20 to 50 %
or •
Peak flowrate (only for
constant flowrate in CMV) 2 to 99L/min
SIMV respiratory rate 1 to 40 b/min
PEEP 0 to 20 hPa
Insufflation pressure 5 to 50 hPa
Pressure support
(above PEEP) 5 to 30 hPa
Pressure slope gentle or rapid (50 to 150 hPa /s)
5 positions inspiratory trigger childr
en: 1-2-3 / adults: 3-4-5 (1=sensitive - 5=less sensitive)
Expiratory trigger 90% to 10% of peak flowrate
Timax 0.5 sec to 3 sec
Vt min guaranteed / Vt
safety 90 to
2,000 mL
Oxygen enrichment 0 to 15 L/min
Audible and visual, with messages displayed on a liquid crystal screen / Pmax disconnection
Vminute min / Fmax / Vt min/max / Fi O2 min/max / Power supply defect / Technical alarms
Single-branch expiratory spirometry
Screen displaying all measured parameters / bargraph 0 to 80 hPa
Screen displaying curves in real-time: flowrate and pressure
Screen displaying trends of all parameters
Screen displaying alarm settings / measured values
Screen displaying history of alarms
Technical Characteristics
Mains power supply universal input / 93.5 V to 253 V / 47Hz to 63 Hz
Internal battery Watertight lead acid battery 12V, 5Ah
External battery Input 10.5 to 30 VDC
Operating temperature
range from +5°C to +50°C (relative humidity 95 %)
Dimensions (L x W x D mm) 300 x 248 x 320
Weight 14,0 kg
Noise level 39 dB(A)
Trimite un mesaj către Marian:
*Câmpuri obligatorii.