Reason you want the appointment:
When you want the appointment (date and time interval)**:
Required medical specialty (optional):
select: I don't know / you choose for me Psihologie Psihoterapie
Doctor/therapist requested:
select: I don't know / you choose for me Psihoterapeut Secoșan Ica (Psihoterapie, Psihologie) Psihoterapeut Giuris Larisa (Psihoterapie, Psihologie) Psihoterapeut Flueraș Adina (Psihoterapie, Psihologie) Psihoterapeut Loth Adela (Psihoterapie, Psihologie) Psihoterapeut Drăgulescu Daniel (Psihoterapie, Psihologie) Psihoterapeut Răducea Mădălina (Psihoterapie, Psihologie) Psihoterapeut Ștefănuț Adelina (Psihoterapie, Psihologie)
Other details:
I agree that my personal data sent through this form will be processed by and sent by email to MindPower Clinic.
I agree with confidentiality agreement and GDPR Privacy Policy.