Reason you want the appointment:
When you want the appointment (date and time interval)**:
Required medical specialty (optional):
select: I don't know / you choose for me Chirurgie dento-alveolară Implantologie dentară Radiologie dentară Stomatologie Tehnică dentară
Doctor/therapist requested:
select: I don't know / you choose for me Dr. Borteanu Dan (Parodontologie, Implantologie) Dr. Mihnea Nitescu (Protetică dentară, Stomatologie) Dr. Cristian Ionita (Endodonție) Dr. Dulica Ruxandra (Parodontologie, Stomatologie) Dr. Ochescu Ana (Parodontologie, Igienă)
Other details:
I agree that my personal data sent through this form will be processed by and sent by email to Respiro Dental Clinic.
I agree with confidentiality agreement and GDPR Privacy Policy.