Sef Lucrari Dr. Simion Laurentiu
- Telefon: 0722350308
- Localitate: Bucuresti
- Loc de muncă actual: Institutul Oncologic Bucuresti, UMF Carol Davila
- Specialitate: Chirurgie generală
- Competențe: Chirurgie oncologica, chirurgie laparoscopica, ingrijiri paliative, managementul serviciilor de sanatate
Scientific title: PH. D. in general surgery, since 2012, Ph.D. thesis title: “Open Surgery’s Role in Main Bile Duct Lithiasis”.
Profession : Consultant surgeon – Surgical Oncology Clinic I of the Bucharest Oncology Institute, and lecturer at “Carol Davila “ University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest.
Specialization: general surgery, surgical oncology, laparoscopic surgery, management of healthcare services, palliative care.
Membership in organizations, institutions and positions held: Member of Romanian Surgical Society, Member of the Romanian Association for Endoscopic Surgery, Member of the Romanian Association of Palliative Care, Member of the Romanian Senology Society, Head of the Surgical Department of Bucharest “Caritas” Hospital (between 2007 and 2009).
Publications in Romanian - Book chapters, Articles published in PUBMED – 11 articles (both in Romanian and English).
Contributions to national and international projects of research, development and innovation - participant to 2 projects.