FKT. Pogangeanu Andrei

  • Telefon: 0744689114
  • Localitate: Bucuresti (BUCURESTI)
  • Loc de muncă actual: 1.Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta "Bagdasar - Arseni " Bucuresti
  • Specialitate: Medicină fizică și de reabilitare - Kinetoterapie
  • Competențe: Fiziokinetoterapeut principal - recuperare spinala

Forenames Andrei Razvan
Surname Pogangeanu
Specialities Physiotherapy
Year of specialization(s) 2001, 2005,2010
Medical Registration Nr. S 0015636
Home Address Bucharest
Country Romania
Telephone (work) +4021.3343025
Telephone (mobile) +40744689114
Date of Birth 20.10.1975
Nationality Romanian
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Children (if applicable) 2


From To Name and location of university Subject or specialty Level of course
(diploma, degree,
Certificate, etc.)
1995 2000 University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", Phisyiotheraphy Section , Bucharest,Romania Licensed physical therapist Diploma


From To Name and location of university or hospital Subject or specialty Level of course
(diploma, degree,
Certificate, etc.) or position
2001 2001 "Bagdasar-Arseni" Emergency Hospital, Bucharest Beginner in phisyiotherapy in 4th Neurosurgery Departament Certificate
2001 2005 "Bagdasar-Arseni" Emergency Hospital, Bucharest Speciality in phisyiotherapy in 4th Neurosurgery Departament Certificate
2005 2010 "Bagdasar-Arseni" Emergency Hospital, Bucharest Senior specialist in phisyiotherapy in 4th Neurosurgery Departament Certificate
2001 University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", Balneoclimatology And Medical Rehabilitation Metodology For Kinetic Therapy In Neurological Diseases - Rehabilitation Diploma
2002 University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", International Spinal Cord Society Actualities In Traumatic Spinal Cord Lessions diploma
2007 European Spinal Psichologists Association, Manfred Sauer Foundation, Lobbach/Heidelberg Germany 2nd Conference,
Psichological Aspects Of Spinal Cord Injury Community Needs, Coping Long Term Adjustments Certificate

From 2007 member of ESPA ( European Spinal Psichologists Association)
From 2008 member of WFNR ( World Federation for Neurorehabilitation)

2012 Salzburg Wiell Cornell Seminar In Rehabilitation Medicine - certificate


From To Employer Location Position
2001 present Emergency Hospital "Bagdasar-Arseni", Bucharest, Romania Sos.Berceni 10-12, sector 4, Bucharest, Romania Senior Specialist Physiotherapist in 4th Neurosurgery Departament

October 03, 2011

RE: Confirmation of Effort commitment on Grant project

This is to acknowledge that Mr. Andrei Pogangeanu is member in the research team on my grant project entitled "Does Brain Metabolic Reorganization Predict the Functional Recovery Following Decompressive Surgery in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy?" This project is sponsored by AOSpine International. The project dates are 7/1/2010 - 7/1/2011. The overall goal of this project is to investigate the value of assessing the brain metabolic status in predicting recovery in cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Mr. Pogangeanu"™ role on this project involves overseeing the
functional and clinical testing of the recruited patients, including data analysis and interpretation as well as manuscript preparation.

Please don"™t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need further information.

Sorin C. Craciunas M.D.

Spitalul Bagdasar-Arseni, Neurochirurgie IV
Soseaua Berceni nr. 12
Bucuresti, Romania, 041915
Telefon: +40 724 277 051