Dr. Muntean Petru Emil

  • Telefon: 40248287150
  • Localitate: Pitesti (Arges)
  • Loc de muncă actual: Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Arges, Regina Maria Pitesti.
  • Specialitate: Pneumologie
  • Competențe: Spirometrie, Endoscopie Bronsica, Management Sanitar
Muntean Petru Emil

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Petru Emil Muntean;     Date of birth: 15.03.1988;     Gender: male;       Race: white;

Ethnicity: Romanian;       Religion: Orthodox-Christian;     Marital status: married;

Political party: none;                 Nationality: Romanian;           Native language: romanian.

Known foreign languages (5): English- B1 level; French- B2 level; German- B2 level; Italian- B2 level; Spanish- B2 level.

Profession: Board-certified Pulmonology Physician by Romanian College of Physicians (National Identification Number 2791485626, Certificate of Membership Number 80031), with over 2 years of practicing in Pulmonology since completion of fellowship training.

Professional Degrees (4): Pulmonology Specialist, Medical Doctor, Master‘s degree, Medical Psychology and Pedagogy.

Member of Professional Societies/ Associations (16): Romanian Society of Pneumology (2014-present); European Respiratory Society (2014-present); European Rhinology Society (2018-present); European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2018-present); American Thoracic Society (2018-present); World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (2017-present); Romanian College of Physicians (2014-present); The Society of Romanian Authors and Publishers of Scientific Works (2017-present); The Romanian Association of Medical Services Evaluators (2020-present); The Romanian Association for Quality Management in Health (2020-present); European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (2018-present); The European Sleep Research Society (2018-present); Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (2018-present); Association of Specialists in Confidentiality and Data Protection (2020-present); International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (2020-present); The American College of Chest Physicians (2020-present).

Curent work places (2): Pitesti Queen Mary Hospital, Pulmonology Department (21.10.19- present); Arges Emergency County Hospital, Pitesti County Dispensary of Pulmonology (13.09.19- present).

Employment history (3): Campeni Chronic Diseases Hospital, as Chief of Pulmonology Department (19.03.18-12.09.19); Mures County Hospital, Resident (Fellowship) in Pulmonology Department (01.01.14-31.12.17); The National Institute of Pneumology Prof. Dr. Marius Nasta Bucharest, Resident (Fellowship) in Bronchoscopy Department (01.09.16-30.11.16).

Educational background: 01.01.2018- present: Pulmonology Specialist, Diploma Serial S, Number 037279; 2014- 2017: Pulmonology Resident (Fellowship in Mures County Hospital), Diploma Number 1465/02.12; 2007- 2013: Medical Student (Tirgu Mures University of Medicine and Pharmacy, General Medicine), Diploma Serial B, Number 0008080; 2003- 2007: Student (Pavel Dan High School Campia Turzii), Diploma Serial V, Number 0187920.

Areas of Interest (6): Intervention pulmonology; Sleep Medicine; Critical Care Medicine; Lung cancer; Interstitial lung diseases; Tuberculosis.

Professional skills / areas of expertise (13):

2018- Competency in Bronchoscopy, Serial C, Number 043185; Ability in Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Number 1465/02.12; Ability in Thoracic Oncology, Number 1465/02.12; Ability in Thoracic Ultrasound, Number 1465/02.12; Ability in Tobacco Counseling, Number 1465/02.12; Ability in Interventional Pulmonology, Number 1465/02.12 & Serial C, Number 043185; Ability in Sleep Medicine, Number 1465/02.12; Ability in Tuberculosis Case Management, Number 1465/02.12.

2015- Master‘s degree in Healthcare Management, Serial M, Number 0111465; Certificate in Medical English, Serial KD080-00912, Number 1705163; Certificate in Basic Life Support, Number 28/12.02.

2014- Diploma in Medical Psychology and Pedagogy, Serial X, Number 0023709; Certificate Trainer of Medical Trainers, Serial I, Number 00136972; Certificate Project Manager, Serial I, Number 00137764; Certificate in IT, Serial I, Number 001752290; Ability in Special Respiratory Explorations (Spirometry and Plethysmography), Number 1465/02.12.

Organizer of medical & scientific events in chest medicine:

2018- present: speaker for various pharmaceutical companies.

2017- National Conference in Sleep Medicine, Sinaia; National Conference in Tobacco Counseling, Thoracic Ultrasound and Pleural Pathology, Tirgu Mures.

2016- Founding member of the *New generation of Pulmonologists*, Romanian Society of Pneumology, Bucharest; National Pneumology Congress, Poiana Brasov.

2015- National Conference in Healthcare Management, Tirgu Mures.

Excellence, Commitment and Leadership in chest medicine (recognitions / awards obtained = 4 ):

2019- 1st prize (SuperPulmo Challenge), European Respiratory Society International Congress in Madrid.

2018- 1st prize (GameZone Champion), European Respiratory Society International Congress in Paris; Diploma of Merit by Romanian Society of Pneumology in Poiana Brasov; Diploma of Merit by Romanian Society of Pneumology in Poiana Brasov.

Professional contributions to the field of chest medicine and other voluntary work (7):

2017- 2019: Prevention campaigns: *Prevent drowsy driving before taking the wheel* Campeni, Alba county, together with the Campeni City Police (World Sleep Day, March 15); *The risks of smoking (International STOP-smoking Day) and the way of transmission of tuberculosis (International Tuberculosis Day)* Campeni, Alba county; *Health Caravan in the Apuseni Mountains* in collaboration with the County Public Health authorities and local medical association, under Protocol Number 7540/24.09; Promotion of *awareness material* in the general population regarding tuberculosis disease, in collaboration with National Association *Support Patients with Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis* and LHL International Association represented through Miss Mona Drage (Norwegian founds).

2013: Awareness campaign regarding children with autism: Project *Summer for you*, in collaboration with Association Pro Assisto Campia Turzii, Certificate Number 56/15.06.

2007-2013: Association of Medical Students, Certificate Number 05.10.

2005-2007: Integration campaign for children: Project *Ease access to sports activities* supported by City Hall Campia Turzii, Certificate Number 07/01.05.

Scientific activity:

Author ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5177-0094; Scopus Author ID: 57202817593;

Researcher ID: U-3397-2019; https://scholar.google.ro/citations?hl=ro&user=7vx3xlUAAAAJ;

2019: Author, Pneumon Journal (ISSN 1105-848X), published articles (6): Pathophysiology in laryngeal granulomatous disease, Volume 32, Issue 3; Treatment outcome in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis complicating asthma, Volume 32, Issue 3; Mounier-Kuhn syndrome, Volume 32, Issue 3; Mucoviscidosis and pulmonary tuberculosis, Volume 32, Issue 4; Multidrug resistant tuberculosis associated with human immunodeficiency virus, Volume 32, Issue 4; Primary intestinal tuberculosis, Volume 32, Issue 4.

2018- 2020: Author, Romanian Journal of Family Medicine (ISSN 2601-4874), published articles (5): Spirometry testing, Volume 1, Number 1; Pleural puncture, Volume 1, Number 4; Key messages for tuberculosis in pregnancy, Volume 2, Number 4; Thoracocentesis in the pleural effusion, Volume 3, Number 1; Quick interpretation of results in spirometry, Volume 3, Number 1;

2018: Author, Folia Medica Journal (ISSN 1314-2143), published articles (2): Clinical Aspects and Evolution under Current Treatments on Pulmonary Alveolar Phospholipoproteinosis Patients, DOI: 10.2478/folmed-2018-0048; Rare Case of a Tuberculosis Patient with Sarcoidosis, DOI: 10.2478/folmed-2018-0055.

2018: Author, Breathe Journal (ISSN 1810-6838), published article (1): A 50-year-old male with fever, cough, dyspnoea, chest pain, weight loss and night sweats, DOI: 10.1183/20734735.013317.

2018- present: Reviewer for The Journal of Thoracic Disease (ISSN 2072-1439), over 5 articles reviewed.

2017- present: Reviewer for The European Board for Accreditation in Pneumology (over 60 scientific activities reviewed).

2018- 2020: Author, Romanian Medical Life Journal (ISSN 1220-5354), published articles (17): We talk too little about lung cancer, Number 14/2019; Nurses and stop smoking counseling, Number 8/2019; The common cold can be diagnosed by signs and symptoms, Number 42/2018; Pleural puncture, Number 40/2018; Spirometry, Number 39/2018; Deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin - between physiological and pathological, Number 38/2018; Pulmonary hypertension: silent disease with severe repercussions, Number 37/2018; Sarcoidosis a systemic disease, Number 33/2018; Smoking cessation and nicotinic substitution, Number 29/2018; Endoscopic exploration, Number 28/2018; SAS- the most common form of sleep apnea, Number 27/2018; Pneumococcal vaccination- recommendations and contraindications, Number 25/2018; Clinical and radiological polymorphism in tuberculosis, Number 24/2018; Principles in the administration of oxygen therapy, Number 21/2018; Respiratory explorations, Number 17/2018; Pleuroscopy, Number 1/2020; Diagnostic techniques used in pneumology, Number 2/2020.

2019: Author of medical books (2): Etiology of bacteremic syndromes and antibiotic susceptibility of germs isolated from hemocultures, STEF Publishing House, Dr. Petru Emil Muntean and Prof. Dr. Adrian Man as scientific reviewer, ISBN 978-606-028-202-0; Adolescent interest in sexuality as part of health education, STEF Publishing House, Dr. Petru Emil Muntean and Prof. Dr. Psih. Maria Dorina Pașca as scientific reviewer, ISBN 978-606-028-201-3.

2017: Author of medical books in the field of chest medicine (2): Pleural puncture, ETNA Publishing House, Dr. Petru Emil Muntean, Dr. Petre Vlah-Horea Boţianu, Dr. Mirela Liana Gliga and Prof. Dr. Dan Ulmeanu as scientific reviewer, ISBN 978-973-1985-26-8; Spirometry testing, ETNA Publishing House, Dr. Petru Emil Muntean, Dr. Daniela Boldeanu, Dr. Ruxandra Mioara Râjnoveanu and Prof. Dr. Florin Mihălțan as scientific reviewer, ISBN 978-973-1985-15-2.

2017: Author, articles presented (6): Future incidence of tuberculosis and adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment, study conducted in high-risk settlements from Mureș County, National Conference of Pulmonology Residents, Sibiu, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19962.64964; A rare case of chronic pleuritis, Mayo Clinic Pulmonary Pathology Workshop, Budapest (Semmelweis University), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23318.09280; Epidemiological patterns and paraclinical features of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis associated with and without HIV, PneumoUpdate Conference in Vienna, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24995.81440; A statement on future TB incidence and treatment adherence in developing countries if urgent measures are not taken, PneumoUpdate Conference in Vienna, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31706.70084; Psychosocial aspects of TB patients after hospital discharge, PneumoUpdate Conference in Vienna, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28351.25767; Smoking prevalence and people‘s lack of knowledge about long-term tobacco use, PneumoUpdate Conference in Vienna, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35062.14401.

2014: Co-Author, Acta Medica Marisiensis Journal (ISSN 2068-3324) article published through an internal GRANT *Tirgu Mures University of Medicine and Pharmacy* (1): Etiology of Bacteremic Syndromes and Bacterial Susceptibility of Blood Culture Isolates in a Romanian County Hospital, Dr. Adrian Man, Dr. Petru Emil Muntean, Dr. Mare Anca, DOI: 10.2478/amma-2014-0018.

2012: Author, Acta Medica Marisiensis Journal (ISSN 2068-3324) published article (1): Investigations on the etiology of sepsis, Volume 58, Issue 1.

Postgraduate courses (31): Vital protocols in respiratory diseases, Certificate Number 48, 58; Concept 9G, Certificate Number 19; Bronchoscopy, Certificate Number 3; How to write a scientific article, Certificate Number 46; World Anti-Smoking Day, Certificate Number 11; Pulmonary Hypertension, Certificate Number 18, 78; Chest Ultrasound, Certificate Number 90; Polygraphy, Certificate Number 12; Management of hospitals under national authority, Certificate Number 6356; Pleural puncture, Certificate Number 880; Chest Imaging, Certificate Number 423; Doctor-patient communication, Certificate Number 580; Thoracic ultrasound, Certificate Number 423; How to approach a smoker, Certificate Number 16; Respiratory infections, Certificate Number 64; Modern solutions for a better quality of life for the patient, Certificate Number 19; Nutritional medical pedagogy, Certificate Number 1122; Drainage techniques, Certificate Number 412; Swallowing disorders, Certificate Number 45; Respiratory disorders during sleep, Certificate Number 40; Spirometry, Certificate Number 1181; Smoking-induced pathology, Certificate Number 18; The role of imaging in pulmonary pathology, Certificate Number 28; Requirement in respiratory pathophysiology, Certificate Number 1, 4; Health education, Certificate Number 82; Imaging in pulmonary neoplasms, Certificate Number 28; Polysomnography, Certificate Number 2; Smoking counseling, Certificate Number 18.

Participation in national & international scientific events (23): European Respiratory Society International Congress, Diploma Number MUN004, 892624; European Respiratory Conference, Diploma Number 15474; National Pulmonology Congress, Diploma Number 41, 180, 581; National Conference in Respiratory Pathophysiology, Diploma Number 92; National Medical Labor Congress, Diploma Number 298; International Pneumology Conference (Romanian-Hungarian), Diploma Number 3; National Conference in Healthcare Management, Diploma Number 6356; International Conference in Sleep Medicine, Diploma Number 250; National Conference in Pleural Pathology, Diploma Number 156; International Conference in Cardiology, Diploma Number 46; National Conference in Tuberculosis, Diploma Number 76; National Conference in Pneumology, Diploma Number 4050; National Conference in Tobacco counseling, Diploma Number 90; National Conference in Bronchoscopy, Diploma Number 28; National Conference in Lung Cancer, Diploma Number 28; National Conference in Rare Lung Diseases, Diploma Number 28; Regional Conference in Malpraxis, Diploma Number 100; National Conference in Sleep Medicine, Diploma Number 48; International Conference in Tobacco control, Diploma Number 1938; European Respiratory Society Satellites, ID 352820.