- Telefon: 0720535987
- Localitate: ARAD (Arad)
- Loc de muncă actual: SPITALUL MEDLIFE - GENESYS ARAD
- Specialitate: Chirurgie plastică-estetică-reconstructivă
![HORIA SICLOVAN](/arata_img.php?img=me_3656.jpg&w=300&h=300&cale=/uploadpoze)
• Certificat Medic Specialist Chirurgie Plastica - Ministerul Sanatatii, Emiratele Arabe Unite (mai 2008)
• Certificat de supraspecializare în Chirurgie Estetica si Cosmetica ; Certificat de supraspecializare în Chirurgia Paraliziei de Nerv Facial - Clinica de Chirurgie Plastica "Dr. Fausto Viterbo", Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazilia (aprilie 2006)
• Certificat Medic Specialist Chirurgie Plastica - Microchirurgie Reconstructiva - Ministerul Sanatatii, Romania (martie 2004)
• Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Victor Babes", Facultatea de Medicina Generala, Timisoara, Romania (1991 - 1997).
• Medic specialist chirurgie plastica - Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Sibiu, Clinica Polisano Sibiu (din iulie 2008) si Spitalul Clinic Genesys Arad (din august 2009).
• Medic specialist chirurgie plastica - Med Art Clinics, Riyadh, Arabia Saudita, Dubai, Emiratele Arabe Unite(iulie 2007 - iulie 2008)
• Medic specialist chirurgie plastica - Spitalul Clinic Judetean Sibiu (ianuarie 2006 - iulie 2007)
• Medic specialist chirurgie plastica - Clinica Polisano, Sibiu (octombrie 2006 -iulie 2007)
• Bursier - Program de supraspecializare în Chirurgie Estetica si Cosmetica si Chirurgia Paraliziei de Nerv Facial - Clinica de Chirurgie Plastica "Dr. Fausto Viterbo", Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazilia, sub indrumarea renumitului Prof. Dr. Fausto Viterbo (ianuarie 2006 - aprilie 2006) www.faustoviterbo.com.br
- Certificat de supraspecializare in Chirurgie Estetica si Cosmetica
- Certificat de supraspecializare in Chirurgia Paraliziei de Nerv Facial
• Medic specialist chirurgie plastica - Centrul Medical "Sf. Maria", Timisoara (martie 2005 - decembrie 2005).
• Medic specialist chirurgie plastica - Clinica "Dr. Azar", Timisoara (mai 2004 - decembrie 2005).
• Medic rezident chirurgie plastica - Clinica Chirurgie Plastica, Spitalul Clinic Nr. 1 Judetean Timisoara, (octombrie 2003 - aprilie 2004).
• Medic rezident - Clinica Lowenstein, Germania (octombrie 2002 - septembrie 2003).
• Medic rezident chirurgie plastica (prin concurs national de rezidentiat) - Clinica Chirurgie Plastica, Spitalul Clinic Nr. 1 Judetean Timisoara (aprilie 1999 - septembrie 2002).
• Medic stagiar - Spitalul Clinic Nr. 1 Judetean Timisoara (ianuarie 1998 - martie 1999).
• Training Course - Vibroliposuction with Lipomatic 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (March 2008)
• Laser intensive course workshop, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (November 2007)
• Mini Gentle LASE Hair Removal Laser Training Course, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (August 2007 )
• The 4th Flap Dissection Course in Living Tissue, "Pius Branzeu" Center for Laparoscopic Surgery and Microsurgery, "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania (April 2004).
• Instructor - The 5th International Practical Course in Microsurgery, "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Timisoara organized together with the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Dr. Max Geishauser), Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University Munchen (October 2000 ).
• Instructor - International Practical Course in Microsurgery, "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara organized together with the Department of Hand-, Replantation and Microsurgery (Dr. Andreas Eisenschenk), Free University Berlin (April 2000 ).
• Practical course in nervous and vascular microsurgery, "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania (October 1999).
• The 5th Central European Advanced Course and Czech National Symposium on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Prague,Czech Republic 2010
- Advantages and outcomes in subfascial breast augmentation
• International Master Course of Aging Skin IMCAS, Paris, 2010
- Subfascial brest augmentation: advantages and outcomes
• The 7th GCC Conference for Plastic Reconstructive and Burns Surgery - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2008
- Subfascial brest augmentation - advantages and outcomes
- An overview of the current advances in hair restoration
• Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition - Dubai Derma 2008, United Arab Emirates
- Optimizing outcomes in face reconstruction with the bilaterally pedicled V -Y advancement flap after oncologic resection for skin cancer
• The 6th European Congress of Aesthetic Medicine. The 7th National Conference of Cosmetic Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Bucuresti, Romania, 2008
- Optimizing outcomes in face reconstruction with the bilaterally pedicled V -Y advancement flap after oncologic resection for skin cancer
• Reconstructive Aesthetic Breast Surgery Workshop, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2008
- Advantages and outcomes in subfascial breast augmentation
• Arab Health Congress Dubai 2008, United Arab Emirates - Surgery - Laparoscopic Aesthetic Conference
- Subfascial breast augmentation
• The 9th Conference of the GCC League of Dermatologist. The 12th National Symposium of the Saudi Society of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2007.
• The XIXth Plastic Surgery Meeting of Sao Paulo Region. Theme: Clinical and Surgical Actual Treatment of Facial Wrinkles. Organized by Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery - Sao Paulo Region and Sao Paulo State University, Botucatu Faculty of Medicine, Brazil, 2006.
- Types of Facial Wrinkles
• The 5th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Surgery of the Hand. The 6th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (Post-IFSSH Congress 2004, organised by the Romanian Society for Surgery of the Hand and the American Association for Hand Surgery), Bucuresti, Romania, 2004.
- End-to-side neurorraphy - a reconstructive alternative of severe injuries of peripheral nerves
• The First National Congress of The Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Sinaia, Romania, 2004.
- End-to-side neurorraphy in reconstruction of large posttraumatic injuries of peripheral nerves
- Local flaps - an excellent source for tissue loss treatment after excision of superficial tumors in cephalic extremity
• "The Breast Reconstruction" Symposium organized by Romanian Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Society together with the National Institute for the Study and Treatment of the Tumors Milano, Timisoara, 2003.
• The 12th National Congress of German National Society for Thoracic Surgery, Kloster Schontal, Germany, 2003.
• The VIIIth Congress of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand. The VIIth Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002.
- End-to-side neurorraphy in reconstruction of peripheral nerve defects
- Short term results in hand replantation in our clinic
• The 84th International Congress of the Morphologists Society, Sousse, Tunisia, 2002.
- Morphological consideration about end-to-side neurorraphy in reconstruction of peripheral nerve defects
- Morphological consideration about reconstruction of nasal soft tissue with rotated pedicled flaps on the ophtalmic artery
• The 3rd International Congress of Angiology. The 2nd limphology symposium, Timisoara, Romania, 2001.
- Posttraumatic fistulized pseudoaneurysm. Case report
- Reconstruction modality of nasal soft tissue with rotated pedicled flaps
• The 13th National Congress of Plastic-Reconstructive Surgery and Aesthetic Surgery, Sinaia, Romania, 2001.
- Modality of peripheral nerves reconstruction
- Reconstruction modality of nasal soft tissue with rotated pedicled flaps
- Consequences of a posttraumatic fistulized pseudoaneurysm. Therapeutic atitude
Primul chirurg plastician roman caruia i s-au publicat articole in revista Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - Springer, New York ( jurnalul oficial al Societatii Internationale de Chirurgie Plastica si Estetica ISAPS)
• "Injectable calcium hydroxylapatite for correction of nasal bridge deformities" - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery vol. 33, number 4, July 2009, 544 - 548 - Springer, New York (Official Journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
Authors: Horia Siclovan, Jamal Jomah.
• "Advantages and outcomes in subfascial breast augmentation: a two- year review of experience" - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery vol. 32, number 3, May 2008, 426 - 431 - Springer, New York (Official Journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
Authors: Horia Siclovan, Jamal Jomah.
• "A case of postmastectomy defect reconstructed using a laterothoracic bilaterally pedicled V - Y advancement flap" - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery vol. 32, number 3, May 2008, 558 - 559 - Springer, New York (Official Journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
Author: Horia Siclovan.
• "A case of postraumatic thigh defect reconstructed using tissue expansion by elastic tube" - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery vol. 32, number 3, May 2008, 569 - 570 - Springer, New York (Official Journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
Authors: Horia Siclovan, Ioan Muntean, Roxana Cretu.
• "Use of bilaterally pedicled V-Y advancement flap for reconstruction of the nose" - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery vol. 32, number 3, May 2008, 576 - 578 - Springer, New York (Official Journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
Authors: Horia Siclovan, Salim Azar.
• "Prevention of Thromboembolism by Saline Solution Perfusion" - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery vol. 30, number 5, September/October 2006, 629-630 - Springer, New York. (Official Journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
Authors: Fausto Viterbo, Horia Siclovan.
• "End - to - side neurorraphy in reconstruction of large posttraumatic defects of peripheral nerves" - TMJ (Timisoara Medical Journal) 2007, vol. 57, no. 2 - 3, 151 - 156
• Co-author at "Tratat de Chirurgie de Urgenta", "Antib" Publishing House, Timisoara, 2003.
• "The evaluation of the pacients as possible candidates to breast reconstruction with TRAM-flap" - "Experimental and Surgical Research Magazine", Nr. 2/2001, Medical Studies Accademy, Timisoara, Romania