Alte joburi medicale în strainatate

Aesthetics Physician/Doctor, Ireland

There are several openings across the country for great Aesthetics physicians/doctors. These are permanent positions with great salaries and benefits. We have clinics in all of our big cities, as well as their neighbouring towns. With rapid expansion taking place in Ireland, training and career growth is a given in thi...

19-02-2025 | Dublin
Medici Franta

Pentru clientul nostru o clinica privata din Orléans, recrutam Medici Specialisti in urmatoarele domenii: Medicina Generala, Diabetologie, Pediatrie, Endocrinologie, Dermatologie si Ginecologie. Posibilitati de colaborare: • Contract de salariat; • Practica liberala. Informatii generale: • Se of...

29-01-2025 | Orléans
Specialist Doctors for the British Isles

HEKA Recruitment is looking for Specialist Doctors for the British Isles. We currently have the following attractive offers for EU and GMC/IMC registered Doctors: • General Practitioners (GP) in Scotland & the Isle of Man • Obstetrics & Gynaecology Specialty Doctors / Consultants for the Isle of Man â...

11-01-2023 | Scotia, Isle of Man, Irlanda
EU Resident & Specialist Doctors for Ireland

We are currently looking for motivated EU Doctors to join elite public hospitals from the Republic of Ireland. Various specialities, free consultancy services and attractive salaries. Access all of them with HEKA Recruitment. Current roles include: Anaesthetics SHO & Registrar Emergency Medicine: all grades ...

08-07-2019 | Irlanda
EU Doctors for Cruise Ships

European qualified / registered physicians are wanted to join the medical team of a large cruise line company over the next few months. Earn between £44,844 and £54,504 per year tax free and have up to 165 days off. The details of the job are as follows: 1 year minimum contract Contract type 1 - 200 days – 1...

03-07-2019 | Vase de croaziera
Urgent posts for Specialist Doctors in the United Kingdom

Specialist Doctors and Consultants are a wanted for permanent positions in elite public hospitals from the United Kingdom. Should you have a valid IELTS/OET certificate and the licence to practice from the GMC, or you are close to obtain it, don’t hesitate to contact us....

08-03-2019 | All over the UK
Dentisti si Medici Specialisti pentru Arabia Saudita

HEKA Recruitment a semnat un contract cu un grup de spitale din Arabia Saudita care isi vor trimite reprezentantii la Bucuresti pentru a organiza interviuri la sfarsitul acestei luni (25-28 Noiembrie 2017). Medicii Dentisti cu experienta in: Ortodontie, Pedodontie si Protetica precum si Specialistii cu experienta re...

04-02-2019 | Dammam
Specialist Doctors and Consultants for Saudi Arabia

HEKA Recruitment is currently looking for experienced EU Specialist Doctors and Consultants who are interested in working in public hospitals from all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in earning up to 11,000 EUR per month. All hospitals are town-based, have between 200 and 400 beds and the contract is signed on ann...

04-01-2018 | Riyadh
Doctors for Wales

HEKA Recruitment is looking for motivated Doctors to work in Welsh university hospitals. The contracts are signed for at least 1 year and the available posts are: - Specialty Doctors in Accident & Emergency Medicine - Consultants in Acute Medicine - Consultant in Care of the Elderly (Geriatrics) - Consultant...

07-11-2017 | various cities