Joburi medicale în străinătate
The Resident Medical Officer (RMO) is the doctor who inhabits, is resident at the private hospital for the period of cover. Most private hospitals in the United Kingdom are required to have a RMO on site 24 hours a day to cover for cardiac arrests on behalf of consultants. The hospitals vary in size, medical complexity...
Recherche Médecin Généraliste La ville de Nolay en Côte d’Or en plein cœur de la Bourgogne, a créé en 2017 un cabinet médical d’une surface de 45 m² disposant d’un secrétariat, d’une salle d’attente meublée, d’une salle d’urgence et d’un bureau de consultation de 17 m². Face à la deman...
USE IT OR LOSE IT! Resident and Specialist Doctors / Consultants with at least 2-3 years of recent and relevant hospital experience are invited to apply now to this professional opportunity. Attractive salaries and flexible working schedules for you. At this very moment it is quite difficult to make predictions abo...
Le centre hospitalier dispose d'un plateau technique de qualité avec EFR complètes, VO2 max,polygraphie, polysomnographie, vidéo endoscopie, écho endoscopie, thoracoscopie, échographie pleurale, scanner, IRM et radiothérapie. Dans une ville de 40000 habitants en progression constante située en Drôme Pro...
The Dermatologist will join a leading medical center from the capital of Bahrain that is specialized in providing aesthetic services using laser technology, Dermatology/Anti-Aging Unit performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (botox, derma fillers, PRP). Contract type: 2 years renewable Package: Salary + Hou...
Resident and Specialist EU Doctors with at least 1-2 years of recent Psychiatry experience can earn around 50,000 GBP per year in elite private hospitals from the UK. These jobs can be accessed without the language certificate (IELTS/OET) requested by the GMC, but with an advanced level of English, of course. Apply now...
HEKA Recruitment are posturi pentru Medici de Familie (Salaried General Practitioners) in cabinete din vestul si nord-vestul Londrei....
Get into the NHS with HEKA Recruitment, and without having to sit IELTS/OET for GMC! EU qualified Resident and Specialist Doctors with recent hospital experience in General Internal Medicine and, of course, an advanced level of English can easily apply for these professional opportunities. Free consultancy is off...
HEKA Recruitment is looking for Residents and Specialist Doctors who are wanted for medical jobs that can be accessed without the IELTS/OET certificate. The GMC registration fee is paid by the British employer, and the contracts are flexible (you can work as many weeks or months as you wish)....
Comuna Simandre caută 1 sau 2 medici generaliști/de familie. Comuna pune la dispoziție un imobil compus din 2 cabinete medicale amenajate cu 2 săli de așteptare și un apartament cu o cameră la primul etaj. Un apartament cu 3 camere poate de asemenea fi pus la dispoziție. În sat există o farmacie modernă și ...
Cautam medic specialist gastroenterolog pentru regiunea Aube,Eure et Loire, Franta. -medic specialist gastroenterolog pentru consultatii si acte invazive la blocul operator -urmarirea cotidiana a pacientilor spitalizati -examene endoscopice programate sau urgente -curiere médicale pentru continuitatea medicala ...
Clientul nostru, Centru Medical de Medicină Internă situat în Viena, Austria caută un Medic specialist medicină internă Centrul medical oferă o gamă largă de servicii medicale, asigurând diagnostic și tratament în gastroenterologie, hepatologie, cardiologie, nefrologie; de asemenea, deservește și asigur...
HEKA Recruitment is looking for qualified therapists for a reputed British employer. These professionals will independently manage a specialist caseload within the wheelchair service working with both disabled children and disabled adults who have complex health, social, mobility and postural needs....
BRAINS CONSULTING este o firma cu multa experienta in recrutarea de personal medical pentru clinici si spitale publice si private din Olanda. Recrutam: Medici Specialisti – Olanda Responsabilitati: BRAINS CONSULTING recrutează pentru spitale din OLANDA, medici specialisti vorbitori de limba engl...
"ProŽivot Centrum Stomatologie" Dental Network invites for work Dentists in connection with further enlargement. We are looking for Dentists to work in conservative dentistry, mainly endodontics. We have many years of experience, a large patients’ base and high-quality materials and equipment. We in...
Farey Services, leader dans le recrutement médical et dentaire en france, de nombreuses références, recherche des pneumologues et dispose d'opportunités sur toute la france. Cours de francais gratuit + Accompagnement dans toutes les démarches+ Plus de 10 ans d'expertise. Rémunération en fonction de l...
HEKA Recruitment is now looking for GMC registered Doctors with relevant experience for elite British hospitals. Locum Consultant/Consultant in Scotland – between £80,653 up to £107,170 Specialty Doctor in Scotland – between £39,846 up to £73,304...
HEKA Recruitment is now looking to recruit experienced Specialist Doctors with relevant experience and GMC registration for modern British hospitals. Locum Consultant/Consultant – between £80,653 up to £107,170 Specialty Doctor – between £39,846 up to £73,304...
Recrutam pentru clientul nostru, centru de recuperare cu 134 paturi, situat in regiunea Aquitaine, la 1 ora de Bordeaux , doi medici de recuperare medicala cu/ fara experienta pentru a se alatura unei echipe pluridisciplinare Structura este formata din: Un SSR cu 56 de paturi și locuri specializate în sistemul ne...
We are currently looking for motivated EU Doctors to join elite public hospitals from the Republic of Ireland. Various specialities, free consultancy services and attractive salaries. Access all of them with HEKA Recruitment. Current roles include: Anaesthetics SHO & Registrar Emergency Medicine: all grades ...