Medical Discount: Produse medicale la pret redus

Colposcop LED ALLTION - 3.75X - 7X - 15X -> 28000 lux

Pret: Pret disponibil la cerere
Producator: GIMA - Italia
Produs publicat de:  TDN MEDICAL -- TIMISOARA (Timis) , telefon: 0745316171 / 0356.131.906
Colposcop LED ALLTION   - 3.75X - 7X - 15X -> 28000 lux

A high quality and complete colposcope that offers excellent optics and cold, longlife white light.
Compact, lightweight and easy to use offers superior quality at a competitive price.
A special universal Teflon® ball joint gives user 360° easy motion for gross focus.
Comes assembled, ready for use.


Technical Specifications
• Magnification 3.75X - 7X - 15X
• Focus length: 300 mm
• Field of view: Ø 30.93/15.50/7.74 mm
• Depth of field: > 18/4/2 mm
• Light intensity: > 28.000 lux
• Interchangeable adjustable eyepiece 12.5X
• Illumination: longlife 5.9 V / 5W LED
• Superior optics with individually adjustable eyepiece
• Built-in rheostat for brightness adjustment
• Easily changeable, LED bulb
• User-selectable built-in green filter
• Two (gross/fine) focus adjustment handles
• Two (gross/fine) height adjustment handles (838-1194 mm)
• Smooth action control
• Main Power:110/220 V
• Roller base for easy movement

Imagini produs:

Colposcop LED ALLTION   - 3.75X - 7X - 15X -> 28000 lux
Colposcop LED ALLTION   - 3.75X - 7X - 15X -> 28000 lux
Colposcop LED ALLTION   - 3.75X - 7X - 15X -> 28000 lux
Colposcop LED ALLTION   - 3.75X - 7X - 15X -> 28000 lux

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