ROmedic Firme medicale Aparatura medicala

Aparat ozonoterapie - OZONOSAN Alpha plus

  • Producător:OZONOSAN - Germania
  • Preț:13700 EUR (fara TVA)
Aparat ozonoterapie  - OZONOSAN Alpha plus

Concept medical complet pentru ozonoterapie - unitate compacta, dar foarte mobila, oferă un ciclu operaţional complet automat si controlat prin măsurarea continuuă a concentratiei fotometrice . Concentratie de la 1 la 100 µg/ml .

Generatoarele medicale de ozon produse de OZONOSAN - Germania , sunt  singurele care au cea mai noua certificare europeana :   DIN EN ISO 60601
Aplicabil in toate formele de tratament cu ozon .
INCLUS - unitate pentru ozonizarea apei !


OFERTA SPECIALA   DISCOUNT 10% la achizitia unui ALPHA PLUS pana la data de 15.11.2020 !

Date tehnice:
Compact mobile unit consisting of ozone generator, ozone suction removal connection, water ozonization container, photometric control system.
OZONE SUPPLY RATING: Maximum performance: 18 g ozone per hour.

CATALYZER: This unit is a powerful rapid and steam-resistant ozone catalyzer for reconverting residual ozone back into oxygen.
OZONE CONCENTRATION: Continuously adjustable from 1 to 100 µg/ml.

ELECTRICAL DATA: 230 V, 50 cycles, 1,3 Amperes, Protective Class I Type B
Continuous ozone measurement with automatic zero reset.

A clamp and cocer for a 10-liter oxygen supply flask is design-built into the housing of every OZONOSAN alpha plus unit.
Volume/flow rates are according to the selected application method, and are at approx. 1-3-6 liters/minute..
UNIT DEMENSIONS: 850 (max.) x 450 x 450 mm
O3 gas is obtained from the unit via a 3-way safety valve allowing for removal and residual ozone via the catalyzer.
The OZONOSAN alpha plus is a fully mobile unit with integrated oxygen flask and is thus fully independent.
Safety and quality controlled according the European Directive 93/42/EWG and the MDD = Medical Device Directives, class IIa and certified by EUROCAT - Institute for Certification and Testing- with the CE sign: CE 0535 DIN EN ISO 60601

Imagini produs:

Vizualizări produs: 10736

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